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About the Editors
Part I Smart Education
1 Smart Education: Students' Perception of Hybrid Learning in Graduate Computing Curriculum
1.1 Introduction. Hybrid Teaching and Learning
1.2 Literature Review: Quality of Learning Outcomes in Hybrid Courses Versus Traditional Face-to-Face and Online Courses
1.3 Project Goal and Objectives
1.4 Research Outcome #1: Proposed Organization of Hybrid Courses in Graduate Computing Curriculum
1.4.1 "Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSE)" Graduate Course

1.4.2 "Software/Information Systems Development Project Management (SPM)" Graduate Course
1.5 Research Outcome #2: Student Feedback Obtained About Quality of Hybrid Courses in Graduate Computing Curriculum
1.5.1 Student Feedback About Pre-course Experience in Hybrid/Online Courses
1.5.2 Student Feedback About Hybrid Course Organization
1.5.3 Student Feedback About Overall Quality of Hybrid Course Taken
1.6 Research Outcome #3: Student Opinion About Hybrid Learning and Recommendations for Improvements

1.6.1 Student Post-course Opinion About Hybrid Courses in Graduate Computing Curriculum (in General)
1.6.2 Student Preferences and Recommendations for the CSIS Department in Terms of F2F, Hybrid and Totally Online Courses in Graduate Computing Curriculum
1.7 Hybrid Learning/Teaching and Main Features of Smart Education
1.8 Conclusions. Future Steps
2 Gaining Insight into Adoption of Immersive Technologies in Higher Education
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Adoption of Technologies for Education
2.3 Context of Immersive Tech at the University

2.4 Qualitative Study Methodology
2.4.1 Qualitative Study
2.4.2 Interview Script
2.5 Study Results
2.6 Discussion
2.7 Conclusion
3 Innovative Methods for Smart Education: Hybrid Approach
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Research Problem, Goals and Objectives
3.1.2 Hypothesis
3.2 Theory for Research
3.3 Our Results
3.3.1 The Crowdsourcing Model of EdTech and CLIL Integration Management in Higher Education Institutions

3.3.2 Simulation of the Innovative Development Trajectory for the University: CLIL Technology and the Export-Educational Activities of the University
3.4 Conclusions and Trends
4 Impact of Offline and Online Lecture Formats on Student Satisfaction with the University
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Related Work and Hypothesis Development
4.3 Method
4.4 Results and Implications
4.4.1 Results
4.4.2 Theoretical Implications
4.4.3 Practical Implications
4.4.4 Limitations and Future Work

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