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About the Interview Partners
List of Figures
Part I: Basics
1: Introduction
2: Why Do They Believe This? And Why Might We Believe Something Equally Nonsensical?
2.1 Emotions Determine Cognitive Processes, Affect Heuristics
2.2 Errors in Our Perception
2.3 Error in Memory
2.4 Fast Thinking/Slow Thinking
2.5 Cognitive Biases
2.6 Judgment Heuristics: Pigeonhole Thinking
2.7 Cognitive Dissonance
2.8 Anecdotal Evidence
2.9 Peer Pressure
2.10 Social Framework

3: Transformation Processes
3.1 From "Alternative Medicine" to Medicine
A Book Turns Out Quite Differently Than Expected
At Some Point it Became Too Strange
Driven to Research in Comment Battles
Why Is What I Do Forbidden?
Never Really Felt Comfortable
3.2 Getting Out of the Conspiracy Swamp
Put off by the Scene
Converted by His Own Scientific Curiosity
3.3 Losing My Religion
Why Don't Friends Tolerate It?
The Others Are Happy Too
The Fear of One's Own Sainthood
3.4 The Futile Search for the Paranormal
New Answers to Old Questions

A Single Book as an Eye Opener
Breakdown and a New Sense of Happiness
3.5 A Sobering Interim Conclusion
4: Basic Strategies
4.1 Arguing Confrontationally or Sympathetically?
4.2 Actively Present Your Own Arguments or Reactively Refute Those of the Other Side?
4.3 Clarify the Facts or Evaluate Morally?
4.4 Discussing on the Factual or on a Meta Level?
4.5 Presenting Arguments as Statements or Asking Questions?
4.6 Arguing Soberly or Emotionally?
5: With Whom Do You Discuss and for What Purpose?

Part II: Typical Discussion Situations
6: Many Things Are Different on the Internet
6.1 Discussions with Strangers in Social Media or Comment Columns
6.2 Public Comments on Your Own Posts
The Curious Person
The Believer
The Troll
The Bullshitter and the Tactical Liar
The Transforming Person
6.3 Discussion with Acquaintances on Social Media
6.4 Direct Online Communication with Acquaintances on Private Channels
6.5 Dealing with Hate and Threats
7: Discussions in the Family
7.1 Tips for the Conversation
7.2 Conversation Attitudes

7.3 Conflicts in the Partnership
8: Children and Adolescents
8.1 Problem Areas
Offers That Aim to Reach Children and Adolescents as a Target Group
Children as Direct Victims
8.2 Tips for Parents in Custody Conflicts
8.3 Informing Authorities
8.4 Tips for Social and Educational Workers
9: Business Life and Professional Training
9.1 Problem Areas that Can Occur
9.2 Being Affected as a Colleague
9.3 Responsibility as Company Management
10: Health Care and Social System
10.1 The Medical Field

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