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Table of Contents
Introduction and the Need for Nuanced Research on Racial/Ethnic Discrimination
Why Might People Commit Acts of Horizontal Discrimination?
What is Known About How People of Color Interpret and React to Horizontal Racial/Ethnic Discrimination?
A Qualitative Study of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination
What do People of Color Believe about Racism and Discrimination Based on an Ingroup/Outgroup Distinction of the Perpetrator?
How does Context Impact Attributions of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination?
What are the Affective Consequences of Horizontal versus Vertical Racial/Ethnic Discrimination?
Implications and Future Directions
Appendix A. Key Terms
Appendix B. Interview Guide.
Why Might People Commit Acts of Horizontal Discrimination?
What is Known About How People of Color Interpret and React to Horizontal Racial/Ethnic Discrimination?
A Qualitative Study of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination
What do People of Color Believe about Racism and Discrimination Based on an Ingroup/Outgroup Distinction of the Perpetrator?
How does Context Impact Attributions of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination?
What are the Affective Consequences of Horizontal versus Vertical Racial/Ethnic Discrimination?
Implications and Future Directions
Appendix A. Key Terms
Appendix B. Interview Guide.