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Chapter 1. Introduction: Racism in 21st century Britain Like a Pendulum Swinging
Chapter 2. Racism: History, Theories and Concepts
Chapter 3. Reflexivity and the Role of the White Researcher in the Field of Race, Anti/Racism and Education
Chapter 4. Race, Policies, Politics: Managing Diversity
Chapter 5. From Policy to Practice. Teaching and the Curriculum: The Process of Racialisation and Othering
Chapter 6. Reproducing Racism and Maintaining White Supremacy: Experiences in School and University
Chapter 7. Blinded by Whiteness. Problems and Possibilities for Teachers in the Fight Against Racism and White Supremacy
Chapter 8. Defend, Rescue and Protect: Parents as Social Agents
Chapter 9. Conclusion: Anti-racism or Post-race - Where Are We Now in the Struggle Against Racism?

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