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List of Figures
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Space, Identity and Education
Theorising Place and Space
Key Propositions on Place and Space
Space, Place and Identity
Culture, Identity and Globalisation: Revising the Agency and Structure Debate in Contemporary Society
Personal Identity and the Claim to Space
Social Identity and the Claim to Space
Learner Identities as a Form of 'Relational' Identity Rooted in Place
A Spatial Lens on Learner Identities

An Ecological System's Approach: Mapping the Spatial Planes of Educational Inequality
Micro-Level: (Formal Educational Settings Such as Nurseries, Schools, Colleges and Universities)
Meso-Level: (Informal and Non-formal Learning Settings as Well as Their Interrelation with Formal Educational Settings)
Exo-Level: Spatial Factors at the Local Level Which Extend Beyond Singular Settings Such as the Role of Neighbourhood, Local and Regional Factors (e.g. Local Government Policy, Local Economies, Media and Housing)

Macro-Level (Spatial Forces Which Exert from National and Cross-national Structures and Their Products)
Researching Space, Identity and Education: Methodologies for the Spatial Scales and Multi-scalar Research
An Integrated Analysis of Different Spatial Planes
Chapter 2: A 'Micro'-Spatial Lens on Identity and Education
Schools as Micro-Level Settings
The Spatial Construction of Teachers and Learners
Spatial and Temporal Flows of Teachers and Learners
Power and Resistance to Negotiate the Performative Pressures of Schooling

Grouping Practices in the Classroom
A Micro-Lens on Digital Space and Learning in School
The Surveillance of Informal Schooling Spaces
Playground Spaces
Informal Places in School and the Spatial Dimension of Educational Inequalities
Children's Involvement in the Design and Use of Space in School
Concluding Remarks: A Micro-Lens on Schooling Identities
Chapter 3: A 'Meso'-Spatial Lens on Identity and Education
A Meso-Lens on Home Learning During a Global Pandemic
Home Schooling as a Lens into the Home-School Interface

The Educational Affordances of Outdoor Education and the Barriers to Engaging in Nature
Learning in the Community: Building and Affirming Social and Learner Identities
Towards an Identity-Based Agenda for Informal and Non-formal Education
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4: An 'Exo'-Spatial Lens on Identity and Education
The Formation of 'Exo'-Educational Markets by Macro-'Policy' Influences
Neighbourhood Effects on School Access Within an Educational Market

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