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Part One: Apparatuses Of Diffraction
Chapter 1: Introduction: Diffracting The New
Chapter 2: How To Read This Book: Apparatus/Technics/Frameworks
Chapter 3: Interlude/ Artists Pages: Entanglements And Response-Ability In Intergenerational Performance Ecology
Part Two: Working With Diffraction: Five Modes
Chapter 4: Diffracting Time/Space/Matter As Cross-Disciplinary Methodology Between Science, Arts, And Sts (Science & Technology Studies)
Chapter 5: If One Looks Closely At An Edge: On Illumination And Difference In Crowd, Can You Feel It? And Beat
Chapter 6: Into The Wave Fields: Performance Art In The Quantum Age
Chapter 7: On The Way To The Show We Stopped To Take A Look
Chapter 8: The Diffractive Practice/S Of A Metafictioning Manifold Through Mark Z. Danielewskis The Familiar: One Rainy Day In May, Volume One
Chapter 9: Diffractive Thinking, Reading And Writing: Methodology Of Constallations
Chapter 10: How Might Theorizing Diffraction By Way Of Feminist And Queer Theory Elaborate Material And Discursive Stakes Of Dis/Appearance In Performance? Or, How Might Theories Of Queered Feminist Diffraction Collapse The Boundaries Between The Material And The Discursive?
Chapter 11: Differing Bodyminds: Dance As A Method To Diffract Disability
Chapter 12: Tripartite/Trinity/Tattoos; Tristan Webber
Chapter 13: Reimagining Methodologies Of Reading
Chapter 14: Diffractive Selfies In Amalia Ulmans Excellences And Perfections
Chapter 15: Essayers, Zines, And Peeps: The Matter Of Diffraction (For) Undergraduate Practice-As-Research
Chapter 16: Rudolf Labans Space Harmony
Chapter 17: Plastic Critique: Of (Para-)Institutional Choreographics
Chapter 18: Estado Vegetal (Vegetative State)
Chapter 19: Excavating The Present
Part Three: Re-Begining: Tripartite Time
Chapter 20: The Diffractive Power Of Repetition
Chapter 21: 'Navigations: A Diffracted History Of Naturalism'
Chapter 22: Post Script.

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