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Chapter 1: Introduction: Intersectionalities of Class in Early Modern English Drama
Chapter 2: "As of Moors, so of chimney sweepers": Blackness, Race, and Class in George Chapman's May Day
Chapter 3: "The Moor? She does not matter": Intersections of Class, Race, Religion and Gender in Novelizations of The Merchant of Venice
Chapter 4: Working-Class Villains: Iago in the Trump Zeitgeist
Chapter 5: Filiation and White Freedom: Class, Race, and Sexuality in Brome's A Jovial Crew
Chapter 6: "Portraiture[s] of Schism": The Trans-Rogue-Royalism of Catalina/Antonio de Erauso and Mary/Jack Frith
Chapter 7: Class and Climate, or Redemption comes to Pericles but Not to Spring
Chapter 8: Red-Green Intersectionality beyond the New Materialism: An Eco-Socialist Approach to Shakespeare's The Tempest
Chapter 9: Logic-Chopping Servants, Politic Jesters, and Pet Fools

Chapter 10: Wench, Witch, Wife, Widow: The Power of Address Terms in The Witch of Edmonton
Chapter 11: Advancing Him, Subjecting Herself: Class, Gender, and Mixed-Estate Marriages in Early Modern Drama
Chapter 12: "Too slight a thing": Jane Shore, Womanhood, and Ideological Conflict in Thomas Heywood's Edward IV
Chapter 13: Women's Intersectional Shop Labor in the Royal Exchange
Chapter 14: Counsel, Class, and Just War in Shakespeare's Henry V
Chapter 15: Sexual Violence as Class Conflict: Seizing Patriarchal Privilege in Early Modern English Drama.

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