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Part I: Biodiversity and Human Health Impacts of Agrochemicals
Chapter 1. Agrochemicals: Safety Evaluation and Characterization for Human and Biodiversity
Chapter 2. Agrochemical Use and Emerging Human and Animal Diseases
Chapter 3. Global biodiversity decline and loss from agricultural intensification through agrochemical application
Chapter 4. Evidence of the Toxic Potentials of Agrochemicals on Human Health and Biodiversity
Chapter 5. Agrochemicals and Pollinator Diversity: A Socio-ecological Synthesis
Chapter 6. One Health Implications of Agrochemicals and their Eco-benign Substitutes
Chapter 7. Risk of Agrochemical on Biodiversity and Human Health: Implication on Conservation and Sustainable Mitigations Strategies
Chapter 8. Mitigating the One Health Impacts of Agrochemicals through Sustainable Policies and Regulations
Chapter 9. Health Implications of Agrochemicals - Nexus of their Impacts, Sustainable Management Approaches, and Policy Gaps
Chapter 10. Detrimental Effects of Agrochemical-based Agricultural Intensification on Biodiversity: Evidence from Some Past Studies
Part II: Food Production, Safety, Security, Sovereignty and the Economic Implications of Agrochemical Use
Chapter 11. Food Safety and Agrochemicals: Risk Assessment and Food Security Implications
Chapter 12. Chemical-based fruit ripening and the implications for ecosystem health and safety
Chapter 13. Socio-economic and Ecological Values of Sustainable Alternatives to Pesticides
Chapter 14. Meta-evaluation of the One Health Implication on Food Systems of Agrochemical Use
Chapter 15. Food Quality and Agrochemical Use: Integrated Monitoring, Assessment, and Management Policies
Chapter 16. Plants and Soil Microbiota Health Implications of Agrochemicals: Potential Alternatives for the Safe Propagation of Food Crops
Chapter 17. A global perspective of synthetic agrochemicals in local farmers markets of fruits and vegetables
Chapter 18. Factors Influencing Agrochemical Use, Practices, and Knowledge Systems: Case Study of Rice farmers in the Cauvery Delta Zone of Tamil Nadu, India
Part III: Agrochemicals and Environmental Justice: Dynamics, Remediation, and Sustainable Alternatives
Chapter 19. Sustainable approaches for the remediation of agrochemicals in the environment
Chapter 20. Plant-based Agrobiodiversity Solutions to Reduce Agrochemical Use
Chapter 21. Prospects of Insect Farming for Food Security, Environmental Sustainability and as an Alternative to Agrochemical Use
Chapter 22. Implications of Agrochemical Application on Soil Fauna and Ecosystem and their Sustainable Alternatives
Chapter 23. Sustainable Agricultural Pest Control Strategies to Boost Food and Socioecological Security: The Allelopathic Strategy
Chapter 24. Impacts of Agrochemicals on Fish Composition in Natural Waters: A Sustainable Management Approach
Chapter 25. Sustainable Alternatives to Agrochemicals and their Socio-Economic and Ecological Values
Chapter 26. Global Environmental Sustainability and Agrochemical Use
Chapter 27. Impacts of Chemical Use in Agricultural Practices: Perspectives of Soil Microorganism and Vegetation
Chapter 28. Eco-farming for Sustainability: Defending Our Way of Life Against Agrochemicals.

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