

The purpose of this project was to design and develop a deployable solar array for a 3U CubeSat. The motivation for this project was to assist in the advancement of USI’s CubeSat technology and future deployment. The objective for the project was to design a deployable solar array for the USI CubeSat project and build a testable prototype. Through literature review, it was determined that a deployable array is most commonly attached to the CubeSat by hinges, and that the deployment sequence must be controlled so the array doesn’t damage or disorient the CubeSat. This required that the array either be deployed to a predetermined angle or controlled by a motor once it begins deployment. Previous projects have solved this issue with either a hard stop or latch to keep the array at a specific angle relative to the CubeSat chassis. The team pursued the design and determined the feasibility of a compliant rolling element (CORE) joint to serve as a torsional hinge with a stable position. The CORE joint served as a novel feature of the project since the use of a CORE joint on CubeSats has not been documented. This decision also required the design of a hold and release mechanism (HRM) to both retain the array in a stowed position and initiate deployment. Therefore, the project scope included only the development of the deployment mechanism, not development of solar panels or the CubeSat itself.




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