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Chapter 1: The Game in Real Life, Real Life in the Game: An Introduction
1.1 Rapid Expansion in Digital Times
1.2 Questions and Problems
1.3 The Aim of This Book
Chapter 2: The Peculiarity of the Game: Successful Handling of the Unexpected
2.1 The Ludic Boundary Is a Boundary of Meaning
2.2 Beyond the Usual Horizon of Expectation
2.3 Prerequisites of Playing
2.4 Ludic Actions as Festivals of Decision-Making
2.5 The Gaming Experience: Open to Any Drama
2.6 Variations and Close Relatives: Sport and Art

2.6.1 Cognition, Emotion, Morality
Chapter 3: The Computer as Game, Toy, and Player
3.1 The Foundation of Communication
3.1.1 No Communication Without Imagination
3.1.2 Reality of Signs, Fictionality of the Designated
3.1.3 Pictures Dont́ Lie
3.1.4 Ludic Communication Freedoms
3.1.5 Characteristics of the Message: Strategic, Factual, Entertaining
3.2 Development and Differentiation of Communication
3.2.1 Evolution of Distribution Media
3.3 Ludic Gala Thanks to Digital Media
3.3.1 The Great Advantage of Playing in Digital Times

3.4 On the Development Dynamics of Video Games
3.5 A Computer on Computer Games. Interview with ChatGPT
Glossary of Types of Video Games
Chapter 4: Instrumentalizations of the Game
4.1 Gambling and Competitive Gaming
4.1.1 Professionalization of E-Sports
4.1.2 Commercialization of Competitive Sports
4.2 Colonization: Itś the Economy
4.2.1 Reach and Appeal Values
4.3 Serious Games and Workification
4.3.1 Workification
4.4 Gamification: A (Too) Great Promise
Chapter 5: The Ludic Culture of Modern Life: The Ludic Century

5.1 Freedom, Equality, and Decidability
5.1.1 The Claim to Shape
5.1.2 Decision-Making Profiled
5.2 The Voluntary, the Unexpected, and the Non-committal of the Committed
5.2.1 Voluntary Temporary Participation
5.2.2 Dealing with the Unexpected
5.2.3 Non-binding Nature of the Binding
5.2.4 Bindings and Unbindings
5.3 Pretty Best Friends: The Digital and the Ludic
5.3.1 Fake News
5.3.2 Transformation Skills
5.3.3 Affective Non-commitment of Social Media
5.3.4 Network Character
5.4 Unbroken Power of the Factual: Gaming Needs Free Time

5.4.1 Autonomy, Not Autarky

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