
During the Covid-19 pandemic, instructors had to quickly adapt to online, hybrid, and HyFlex models of instruction. This research project began with the observation that the greater flexibility adopted because of the pandemic also helped resolve other barriers to class attendance such as work responsibilities, family responsibilities, transportation logistics, and non-Covid illnesses. Having flexible attendance options seemed particularly important for groups of students who have traditionally faced additional challenges to achieving academic success such as student parents, students with disabilities or chronic illness, student athletes, and nontraditional students balancing work and academic responsibilities. It was also observed that many students were using lecture videos as study aids. A survey-based study was developed to track utilization of each format and student perceptions of the potential benefits of retaining HyFlex course format over time. Students in three engineering courses and two manufacturing technology courses across multiple semesters that used a HyFlex format were eligible to take the survey. For these courses students could choose on a day-to-day basis whether to attend class in person or synchronously online via Zoom. The lectures were also recorded and uploaded to Blackboard for students who could not attend synchronously and to use as a study aid. The survey asks students how often they utilize each of the three formats, their level of agreement with a series of statements related to potential benefits and disadvantages of HyFlex format, a free-response section to list additional advantages and drawbacks, and demographic questions. Preliminary results from Spring 2022 through Fall 2023 indicate that most students use all three available formats at least once during the semester. Student perceptions of HyFlex course format are positive overall, yet students are also able to recognize that HyFlex format requires a higher level of student responsibility and is not applicable for all courses. While this research is ongoing, the preliminary results highlight some of the ways students, especially those with barriers to academic success, might benefit from the continuation of HyFlex course format.


