

Since the beginning of powered aviation, engineers have strived to enhance aircraft propulsion methods for increased efficiency and power. Traditional piston-driven, gas turbine, and electric motor engines have been the primary focus. A pivotal metric for assessing engine performance is the thrust-to-weight ratio, signifying the force generated per unit of weight. Elevated thrust-to-weight ratios yield manifold benefits to aircraft, surrounding improved climb rates, enhanced maneuverability, elevated top speeds, and extended flight times due to weight savings. Such advancements are desirable across various aviation domains, spanning military operations to hobbyist radio-controlled scale models. This study endeavors to design and fabricate a miniature turbojet engine inspired by existing models utilized in miniature radiocontrolled aircraft to facilitate advanced research on various engine components. The resultant insights gathered from this miniature model are poised to serve as proof of concepts for largerscale engines. Drawing insights from prior projects and market analyses, meticulous technical specifications were devised to ensure the competitiveness of the team's engine. Preliminary design calculations laid the foundation for the critical design phase, meticulously addressing each component. The design shows that the engine will produce 1150 N while weighing 120 N, which creates a thrust-to-weight ratio of 9.6:1. This meets the technical requirements of the team set of 1000 N and a weight of 130 N. All other technical requirements were also met by the design. The engine has yet to be test-fired but was successfully manufactured and assembled.




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