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1: For Teachers Who Don't Have Time to Read Introductions to New Books
Introduction 2: The Who, What, Why, and How of Zero Prep for Beginners
Chapter One: Warmups and Icebreakers
1.1 Hello! How Are You?
1.2 Early Bird Questions
1.3 Dance Party
1.4 One New Word
1.5 What's in My Wallet?
1.6 Checking the Weather
1.7 Taking Surveys
1.8 Offering Tea
1.9 What Day Is It Today?
1.10 What Can We Hear?
Chapter Two: Listening
2.1 Popcorn Listening

2.2 Singing Dictation: Building Up a Song
2.3 Using the Telephone
2.4 Let's Pack a Suitcase
2.5 Active True/False
2.6 Who Said It?
2.7 Catch the Teacher's Mistakes
2.8 Picture Dictation
2.9 Gossip
Chapter Three: Speaking
3.1 Classroom Language
3.2 What I Need
3.3 Reconstruct the Story
3.4 What's Your Name? Nice to Meet You!
3.5 Please and Thank You
3.6 Reading and Speaking 3 x 3
3.7 Let's Put on a Play!
3.8 Homework or Quiz Review: Seek and Find
3.9 What I Eat, What You Eat
Chapter Four: Reading
4.1 Let's Make it False

4.2 On the Wall Outside
4.3 Dictocomp: Rewriting from Key Words
4.4 Students Choose Who's Next
4.5 New Words and What They Mean
4.6 Add a Picture
4.7 Predicting from the Title
4.8 Predicting from the Picture
4.9 Telling Back and Forth
Chapter Five: Writing
5.1 Let's Learn Those Letters
5.2 Fill-in the-Blank Dictation
5.3 Let's Find Some Useful Mistakes
5.4 Chain Story
5.5 The Appearing and Disappearing Sentence
5.6 The Vocabulary of Sentences and Paragraphs
5.7 Partners in Writing
5.8 Editing and Revision: I Can Do It Myself

5.9 Spelling Improvement
5.10 One-Minute Feedback
Chapter Six: Vocabulary
6.1 Classic Total Physical Response (TPR): Actions Tell the Story
6.2 TPR: Making a Peanut Butter Sandwich
6.3 TPR: Working with Money
6.4 From Pictures to Words
6.5 Practicing Counting
6.6 Getting to Know You: A Birthday Game
6.7 Vocabulary Cards
6.8 Half a Picture
6.9 All the Words We Know
6.10 Manipulating Objects or Pictures
6.11 Alphabet on the Wall: Collecting Words
6.12 Two Unrelated Pictures: How Are They the Same?
6.13 The Hokey Pokey

6.14 Playing with Numbers: What Adds Up to 14?
6.15 Playing with Numbers: Students Make Their Own Equations
6.16 What We Already Know About This
6.17 Four Corners Vocabulary
6.18 Use it Before I Sleep
6.19 What Am I Drawing?
6.20 Student-Run Vocabulary Review
6.21 Creating New Stories with Our Words
Chapter Seven: Grammar
7.1 Tell It Like It Isn't
7.2 Make Questions for the Answers
7.3 Sentence Expansion
7.4 Sentence Contraction
7.5 Substitution Drills
7.6 Truth or Chair?
7.7 Building Dialogues About Food
7.8 What Do We Do? Practicing Short Answers with Do and Does.

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