

Theoretical orientations: Should cultural anthropology model itself on the natural sciences?; Do native peoples today invent their traditions?; Do museums misrepresent ethnic communities around the world?
Some specific issues in cultural anthropology: Was Margaret Mead's fieldwork on Samoan adolescents fundamentally flawed?; Does language determine how we think?; Are San Hunter-Gatherers basically pastoralists who have lost their herds?; Do Hunter-Gatherers need supplemental food sources to live in tropical rain forests?; Do sexuality Egalitarian societies exit?; Is it natural for adopted children to want to find out about their birth parents?; Has the Islamic revolution in Iran subjugated women?; Are Yanomami violence and warfare natural human efforts to maximize reproductive fitness?; Do some illnesses exit only among members of a particular culture?
Ethics in cultural anthropology: Did Napoleon Chagnon and other researchers harm the Yanomami Indians of Venezuela?; Does it matter if Novel Peace Prize Winner Rigoberta Menchu's memoir contains inaccuracies?; Should anthropologists work to eliminate the practice of female circumcision?; Do anthropologists have a moral responsibility to defend the interests of "Less Advantaged" communities?

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