Table of Contents
I. Elements of the tailored design method
1. Introduction to tailored design
2. Writing questions
3. Constructing the questionnaire
4. Survey implementation
5. Reduction of coverage and sampling errors
II. Tailoring to the survey situation
6. Mixed-mode surveys
7. Alternative questionnaire delivery: in person, to groups, and through publications
8. When timing is critical: diary, customer satisfaction, and election forecast surveys
9. Household and individual person surveys by government
10. Surveys of businesses and other organizations
11. Internet and interactive voice response surveys
12. Optical scanning and imaging, and the future of self-administered surveys.
1. Introduction to tailored design
2. Writing questions
3. Constructing the questionnaire
4. Survey implementation
5. Reduction of coverage and sampling errors
II. Tailoring to the survey situation
6. Mixed-mode surveys
7. Alternative questionnaire delivery: in person, to groups, and through publications
8. When timing is critical: diary, customer satisfaction, and election forecast surveys
9. Household and individual person surveys by government
10. Surveys of businesses and other organizations
11. Internet and interactive voice response surveys
12. Optical scanning and imaging, and the future of self-administered surveys.