

Cities, streets, and cars / Dan Burden
Cars, people, and safety / Pam Broviak
Downtowns, cars, and parking / John W. Dorsett
The states and transportation planning / Lawrence D. Frank and Robert T. Dunphy
The federal government and transportation planning / Bruce D. McDowell
Alberta, other urban areas, design highways to protect animals / Elaine Robbins
Austin uses transportation operations management to reduce traffic congestion / Zia Burleigh
Beaverton, other cities, design residential growth around public transit stations / Terry J. Lassar
Bethesda, other areas, use public transit stations for neighborhood renewal / Alvin R. McNeal and Rosalyn P. Doggett
Boston uses public transit lines to stimulate inner-city development / Jim Miara
Boulder redesigns residential streets to focus on people rather than cars / John Fernandez
Chicago area officials explore suburb-to-suburb public transit links / Rob Gurwitt
Cincinnati, other cities, transform their old train stations into museums / Janet Ward
Denver uses public transit system to enhance citizen access to its downtown / Sam Newberg
Duxbury, other cities, embrace multi-purpose vehicle corridor planning / Pamela Freese
Georgetown, other area schools, plan to accommodate the growth of automobiles / Steven Kleinrock and Roger Courtenay
Hayward uses public transit villages to stimulate urban redevelopment / Ruth E. Knack
Houston, other cities, regulate the automobile to control urban sprawl / Jonathan Barnett
London fights traffic gridlock by charging motorists to drive in central city / Jay H. Walder
Los Angeles, other cities, use toll roads as a congestion-management tool / Patrick DeCorla-Souza
Madison uses transportation planning to accommodate traffic and residential growth / Ruth E. Knack
Miami agency purchases hybrid vehicles to reduce fuel costs and emissions / Sean Kilcarr
Minneapolis uses new technologies to facilitate the movement of traffic / Christopher Swope
Mountain View approves residential development around public transit stations / Laura Thompson
Nagano, other cities, use intelligent transportation systems for traffic management / Committee on Intelligent Transport
New York region thrives on complex public mass-transit options / Emanuel Tobier

Oakland revives aging neighborhood using new public transit station / Ernesto M. Vasquez
Orlando uses free rapid transit system to reduce downtown traffic / Craig Amundsen
Palo Alto, other cities, favor transit-oriented development to reduce traffic and improve the quality of life / Jeffrey Tumlin and Adam Millard-Ball
Salt Lake City, other areas, initiate measures to preserve transportation corridors / Michael Davidson
San Carlos provides alternative public transit to reduce traffic congestion / Parviz Mokhtari
San Diego adopts "city of villages" strategy linking jobs, housing, and transit / Nancy Bragado
San Francisco region, other areas, use communications system to manage traffic / Pete Costello
Santa Monica streetscape plan favors people, reduces traffic, and improves public transit / Charles Lockwood
Seattle area uses multimodal transportation system to serve urban centers / Clair Enlow
Toronto, a national model, links housing and transportation with subways and light-rail system / Brian Heaton
Trenton redesigns its freeways to slow down rraffic / Christopher Swope
Valencia, other areas, create "new" main streets that are designed for citizens and their cars / Charles Lockwood
Washington, DC, protects its monuments and buildings from vehicles and possible acts of terrorism / Corrina Stellitano
Washington, DC, stimulates development by linking its suburbs to the inner city with public mass transit / Libby Howland
West Palm Beach redesigns its downtown to focus on people rather than cars / Steven Lagerfeld
The future of transportation / Alex Marshall
Cars, their problems, and the future / Marcia D. Lowe
Roadways of the future / Ronald Adams and Terry Brewer
Highways of the future / William Murphy
Cars of the future / Glen Hiemstra.

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