

I. Theoretical perspectives and research methodology
1. Theoretical perspectives
Social learning and social cognitive theory
Cultivation theory
Uses and gratifications theory
An overview and integration
2. Research methodologies
Research designs
Research settings
Research timelines
Participant populations and sample selection
Data collection
Data analysis
II. Cognitive aspects of media experience
3. Information processing
Linguistic and holistic aspects
4. Language, reading, and academic achievement
Language development
Television and reading
Television and academic achievement
Television and other skill development
School versus television
Methodological issues
III. Social, emotional, and behavioral aspects of media experience
5. Violence and aggression
Depictions of violence
Research to date
Types of violence
Intervening variables
Causal explanations
Other effects of viewing violence
Intervention strategies
6. Cultural diversity
Media portrayals
Stereotypes in the media
Effects of stereotypic portrayals
Developmental and gender differences
Family background
Counterstereotypic portrayals
7. Advertising and behavior
Advertising's presence
Nature of advertising's appeal
Mediating variables
Stereotypes in advertising
Critical viewing of advertising
"Advertising" campaigns in other areas
8. Television and the family
Television and other family activities
Television models of families
Coviewing with parents
Coviewing with siblings
Families and perceived reality
Impact of VCRs and DVDs
9. Health-related issues
Use of mass media
Sexual behavior
Drug and alcohol use
Tobacco use
Body image and eating disorders
10. Social/emotional issues
Fear and anxiety
Social relationships
Prosocial behavior
Other effects
Exceptional children
High-risk children
IV. Other technologies
11. New technologies and computer usage
New technologies
Computer use
Access to information
Differential access
12. Technologies for information
The Internet
Computers in schools
New initiatives
13. Technologies for entertainment
VCRs, DVDs, and cable
Music videos
Computer and video games
Virtual reality
V. Interventions and conclusions
14. Intervention strategies
Media literacy education
Ratings systems
Technological aids
Parent strategies and education
Other initiatives
15. Summary, conclusions, and future directions
Summary and conclusions
Future research questions and directions.

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