Linked e-resources


Outsourcing: the most important management trend of the past 75 years
Outsourcing as a business force
Made in China
Setting the stage
Battle of the titans: the global outsourcing landscape
North America
South America
Africa and the Middle East
BRIC nations
China: your essential shore
Big numbers from a big country
Government and politics
Planes, trains, and automobiles
Educating the masses
Your essential shore
The early years
Made in China
From pagers to market supremacy
The Internet arrives
Not yet a green light
India outsources to China
Risks and concerns
Strategies that work
What works? What is the right shore? What is the right model?
Captive versus partner
Dual-shore delivery
Going captive and avoiding the expat trap
Ten lessons learned
What works elsewhere does not necessarily work in China
Develop a vision of the future beyond the next shareholder meeting
Establish the right partnerships from the beginning
Do your homework
Commit for the long haul
Prepare yourself for an unprecedented speed of change
Choose an outsourcing city based on

People, people, people
Never give up
It is all about face
Winning the talent war
English makes the world go round
Recruiting staff
Salaries on the rise
Chinese work ethics
Retaining staff: employee retention and loyalty programs
China's outsourcing cities
IT outsourcing, business process outsourcing, and knowledge process outsourcing in China
Scope of outsourcing
Global outsourcing options for customers
Advantages of outsourcing to China
Disadvantages to outsourcing to China
Selection of vendor partners
Due diligence of the capabilities of vendors
Importance of business process standards
Importance of standards in BPO
Application of standards to different process types
Process selection for outsourcing
China's legal framework
Market entry and establishing a business in China
Intellectual property rights protection
Employment issues
Government policy
Currency and taxation
Dispute resolution and litigation
China 2020
Pillar of the economy: focus on the high-tech sector
Growth of the services sector
Satisfying a fast-growing global IT and business processes services demand
Overseas promotions leap forward
Stable China market economic prospects
Rise of globalization: in the front row
China 2020: wild cards
Appendix A: Exclusive survey of selected cities in cooperation with MOFCOM
Appendix B: Case studies
Appendix C: Contact information for major government offices, outsourcing centers, and online resources

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