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Introduction: She's the emerging power consumer
She's the sweet spot: the new demographic of choice. On marketing to technology optimists / Rose Rodd
On marketing to baby boomer women in Canada / Anne-Marie Caron
On baby boomer women and experimentation / Jan DeLyser
On forging an emotional connection with her / Kate Quinn
On recognizing her as a driving force in the markeplace / Amy Marentic
She's complex: why there's no such thing as "the" baby boomer woman. On appealing to her values / Joanne Sachse Mogren
On getting nostalgia right / Cindy Marshall
On the difference between marketing to men and to women / Caleb Mason
On why not to just shrink it and pink it / Fran Philip
On marketing to distinctions / Pepper Miller
On marketing to Hispanic baby boomer women / Isabel Valdés
She's her stage, not her age: leveraging her life transitions. On playing financial catch up / Lisa Caputo
On marketing to all her life stages / Wlliam D. Novelli
On high technology marketing to women / Gina Clark
On the power of creating brand personas / Claire Spofford
She's motivated: the 3-D view of her. On appealing to her psyche / Michael Bohn
On embracing both her demographic and psychographic drivers / Grant J. Schneider
On aspiring at midlife / Peggy Northrop, Brenda Saget Darling
On banking on women-owned businesses / Maria C. Coyne
On her quest for a free spirit / Federico Musi
She's in the driver's seat: she'll problem-solve her own way through the marketplace. On getting to the heart of the matter / Joe Teno
On focusing on the "why" vs. the "how" / Heidi Baker, Eden Jarrin
On the personal shopper approach to technology / Melissa McVicker
On paying attention to details / Kathy Moyer Dragon
On business "plus" / Anne Kelly
She's changing channels: shaping the new brandscape. On harnessing the power of women's solidarity / Adam Hicks
On real women selling to real women / Yvonne Saliba Pendleton
On referential not deferential marketing / Deborah Natansohn
On delivering beyond expectations / Rick Lovett
On staying relevant for the boomer woman / Ed Kinney
She's waiting: the marketer's call to action. On redressing the misconceptions / Dorothy Dowling
On getting past emotional bias / Christopher W. Bradley
On moving beyond the Holy Grail / Ira Mayer
On the evolution of marketing to the baby boomer woman / Lori Bitter.

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