

Chapter 1: Definitions, History, And Development Of Community Corrections
Early alternative sanctions: Sanctuary
Early alternative sanctions: Benefit of clergy
Focus Topic 1-1: Appeal to God through Psalm 51
Early alternative sanctions: Judicial reprieve
Early alternative sanctions: Recognizance
Beginning of probation
Beginning of parole
Cross-National Perspective: History of probation in England
Philosophical basis of community corrections-both probation and parole
Applied Theory: Classical criminology, behavioral psychology, and community corrections
Suggested theoretical approach to reintegration and offender treatment
Probation and parole from 1960 onward
Focus Topic 1-2: Historical developments in probation
Focus Topic 1-3: Historical developments in parole
Overview and state-by-state comparison of community supervision models
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 2: Community Corrections: Public Safety Is Job One
Focus Topic 2-1: What are policies, activities, goals, and objectives?
Key criminological and psychological-theoretical perspectives
Application of theory to specific issues in community supervision
Application of theory to improve public safety
Routine activities theory: a model theory for improving public safety
Applied Theory: Connections among routine activities theory, community justice, and the community supervision agency
Excessive caseloads and their impact on community protection
Using the community to improve safety: volunteers and neighborhood programs
Cross-National Perspective: Use of volunteers with probation agencies in Japan
Improving public safety: How individual volunteers can make a difference
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 3: Assessment And Risk Prediction
Presentence Investigation Report (PSI)
Basics of risk assessment
False positives and false negatives
Static and dynamic risk factors
Appropriate use of subjective and objective assessments
Subjective assessment
Objective assessment
Recidivism prediction
Focus Topic 3-1: Confluence of assessment, classification, and staff attitudes in determining program effectiveness
Link between theory and risk prediction
Applied Theory: Criminological theory and risk prediction
Better diagnosis: the need for improved assessment
Agency-created assessment instruments
Cross-National Perspective: Adult Actuarial Risk Instrument (AARI)-a model risk assessment instrument from Australia
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise

Chapter 4: Role Of The Practitioner
Tasks and nature of work for probation officers
Pay and demographics of probation officers
Role confusion, stress, and burnout related to the job of probation officers
Focus Topic 4-1: How dangerous is it to be a probation or parole officer?
Education, training, and qualifications for probation officers
Focus Topic 4-2: Certified Criminal Justice Professional (CCJP)
Tasks and nature of work for parole officers
Applied Theory: Critical criminology and community supervision
Education, training, and qualifications of parole officers
When probation and parole are combined into one department
Firearms and the community supervision officer
Nature of work for treatment professionals
Record keeping, case notes, and administrative duties with the courts
Types of treatment providers in the community corrections system
Focus Topic 4-3: Qualifications for correctional treatment specialists with the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Challenges to the work of a correctional treatment provider
Cross-National Perspective: Effect of homelessness on probationers and probation officers in Ireland
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 5: Legal Liabilities And Risk Management
State levels of liability
Intentional torts
Negligence torts
Liability under Section 1983 Federal Lawsuits
Forms of immunity and types of defense
Indemnification, representation, and types of damages
Legal issues of disclosure with presentence investigation reports
Liability of parole board members for violation of substantive or procedural rights
Parole board liability for released offenders that recidivate
Focus Topic 5-1: Sex offender reporting laws and complications with mandatory community notification initiatives
Use of objective instruments as a safeguard from liability
Probationer and parole case law regarding due process during revocation
Cross-National Perspective: Extracts of the European rules on community sanctions and measures
Applied Theory: Labeling theory and legal issues/liabilities
Legal issues with court shaming and the use of polygraph examinations
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 6: Specific Aspects Related To Probation
Models of probation administration
Objectives and advantages of probation
Public and private probation agencies
Cross-National Perspective: Development of the assistant probation officer position in South Africa
Sentencing hearing and the PSI revisited
Applied Theory: General strain theory, the offender, and the probation officer
Court and the role of the judge: setting conditions for supervision
Purpose of probation, evaluation, and compliance with conditions of probation
Focus Topic 6-1: Reduction of technical violations of probation: a case example from Connecticut
Alternative probation methods
Probation revocation procedures
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise

Chapter 7: Specific Aspects Related To Parole
Models of parole administration
Cross-National Perspective: Parole officers in Canada
Federal parole: a remnant of the past
Financial aspects of parole
Granting of parole
Subjective and objective indicators in parole determinations
Pre-release planning and institutional parole officers
Supervision from beginning to end of sentence
Conditions of parole
Evaluation of compliance and modifications to parole
Parole revocation proceedings
Applied Theory: Braithwaite's crime, shame, and reintegration as related to parole
Victims and restorative justice
Focus Topic 7-1: Victim impact statement in the State of Iowa
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 8: Needs-Based Case Management And Case Planning
History and evolution of case management
Focus Topic 8-1: Role of the case manager
Client needs assessment
Reliability and validity of needs assessment scales
Mental illness and classification: the DSM-IV-TR
Caseload assignment models
Specialized needs caseload model
Standards of classification
Case management classification-presentation of a model system
Cross-National Perspective: Hong Kong offender risk/needs assessment
Supervision plan
Use of technology
Applied Theory: Containment theory-outer and inner containment aspects
Client contracting and supervision planning
Addressing offender needs holistically
Treatment screening and screening tools
Treatment planning
Progress notes, record keeping, and connecting the case plan with supervision
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 9: Viability Of Treatment Perspectives
Martinson Report-revisited
Need for community-based treatment and the pitfalls of treatment programs in institutional settings
Community supervision staff and treatment staff: effective alliances
Cross-National Perspective: South Australia's mental health courts
Different types of treatment modalities/orientations in therapy
Less common types of therapy
Different types of treatment programs
Focus Topic 9-1: Reentry courts
Different types of treatment professionals
Focus Topic 9-2: Culturally competent services for African American offenders
Community partnerships and agency alliances
Focus Topic 9-3: Redhook Community Justice Center
Treatment staff, referrals, and increased human supervision
Progress in treatment programs and the likelihood for recidivism
Educating the community about treatment benefits and integrating citizen and agency involvement
Focus Topic 9-4: Juvenile reintegration
Applied Theory: Social disorganization, collective efficacy, and community supervision
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 10: Community-Based Residential Treatment Facilities
Initial offender processing in the jail setting
Use of jail diversion programs to alleviate jail crowding
Focus Topic 10-1: Phoenix Project: Maryland's jail diversion program for women with co-occurring disorders
Historical developments of halfway houses
Cross-National Perspective: Canada's Halfway Houses
Various community residential treatment centers
Focus Topic 10-2: Sedgwick County's Team concept for residential program management
Focus Topic 10-3: Rays of Sonshine-a faith-based residential treatment facility for women
Rural and urban residential centers
Work release and study release programs
Focus Topic 10-4: Work release programs in the State of Washington
Focus Topic 10-5: ComCor, Inc, a private-nonprofit, community corrections program in Colorado Springs
Cost-effectiveness and actual program effectiveness
Applied Theory: Differential association and treatment in residential facilities
Complex offender cases in residential facilities
Typical staff in residential treatment facilities
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise

Chapter 11: Intermediate Sanctions
Community service
Intensive supervision probation/parole (ISP)
Electronic monitoring
Focus Topic 11-1: Electronic monitoring: a new approach to work release
Cross-National Perspective: Electronic monitoring in Sweden
Global positioning systems
Home detention
Day reporting centers
Focus Topic 11-2: Example of a day reporting center
Shock incarceration/split sentencing
Methods of ensuring compliance-detecting drug use among offenders
Testing technologies-immunoassay and chromatography
Testing methods-instrumental and point-of-contact testing
Methods of ensuring compliance-sex offender notification programs and community partnerships
Intermediate sanctions in different states
Connecticut alternative incarceration centers
Kansas (Sedgwick County) Home Surveillance Program
Iowa Diversion Program for sentenced drunk drivers
Missouri: a control and intervention strategy for technical parole violators
Arizona (Maricopa County) community punishment program
Tennessee GPS tracking of sex offenders
Applied Theory: Routine activities theory as applied to community supervision
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 12: Juvenile Offenders
Early history of juvenile probation
Nature of juvenile probation
Juvenile court system
Juvenile records
Adjudication processes and difference from adult courts
Role of child protection
Family services and family interventions
Focus Topic 12-1: Family foundations-a model agency for adolescent services
Risk factors and protective factors for juveniles
Juvenile intensive probation supervision
Focus Topic 12-2: California's 8% solution
Residential treatment programs
Group homes
Nonresidential programs
Treatment programs and types of therapy
Cross-National Perspective: Japan's Bosozoku
Juvenile gang offender
Establishing an effective youth gang exit program
Restorative justice techniques, family conferences, and teen courts
Applied Theory: Juvenile offending, labeling, and reintegrative shaming
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 13: Specialized And Problematic Offender Typologies
Focus Topic 13-1: Specialized and problematic offenders
Sex offenders
Sex offender typologies: victim chosen is adult
Sex offender typologies: child as victim
Adult sex offenders in the community
Cross-National Perspective: South Africa's HIV/AIDs-infected offenders
Treatment strategies for sex offenders
Cognitive-behavioral techniques
Interrogation-oriented techniques
Drug-administered techniques
Substance abusers
Screening and placement criteria for treatment programs
Substance abuse treatment programs
Therapeutic community
Use of drug courts
Substance abusers on community supervision
Self-help groups
Applied Theory: Individual trait criminological theories and criminal activity
Mentally ill offenders
Common types of mental disorders in the offender population
Anxiety and stress-related disorders
Antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, and other mental disorders with high risks of violence
Mentally ill offenders in the community
Mental health courts
Trial and sentencing
Probation and parole
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise

Chapter 14: Diversity Issues And Cultural Competence In A Changing Era
Why is diversity so important in community corrections?
Notion of cultural competence
African American, Latino American, and Asian American offenders in metropolitan areas
African Americans
Latino Americans
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Minority caseloads, minority gang affiliations, and training for community supervision staff
Focus Topic 14-1: Minority group specialist probation officer
Female offenders
Domestic violence
Physical and sexual abuse
Sex industry activity and sexually transmitted diseases
Applied Theory: Feminist criminology and the female offender
Violent crime
Female crime
Female offenders as mothers
Ideal treatment programming for female offenders
Geriatric offenders
Challenges with elderly offenders
Cross-National Perspective: England's aging prison population
Pre-prison community supervision (probation)
Applied Theory: Life course criminological theories and elderly offender typologies
Post-prison community supervision (parole)
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
Chapter 15: Program Evaluation And Future Trends In Community Corrections
Scientific inquiry
From theory to hypothesis to acceptance/rejection of the theory
Reliability and validity in evaluative studies
Experimental designs
Quasi-experimental studies
Before/after studies
Evaluation research
Implementation evaluation
Process evaluation
Outcome evaluation
Staffing community corrections programs
Example: evaluating a jail diversion program
Cross-National Perspective: Australian wilderness programs and boot camps
Program quality, staffing quality, and evaluation of program curricula
Cost-effectiveness and cost benefit analyses
Feedback loops and continual improvement
Focus Topic 15-1: What are policies, activities, goals, and objectives?
Community harm with ineffective programs: separating politics from science in the evaluative process
Applied Theory: Connection between theory and policy
Future of community corrections
Community involvement, community corrections, and community justice
Mental health issues will remain important
Emphasis on cultural competence will continue to be important
Assessment methods will need to be continually refined
Emphasis on employment programs will be necessary
Geriatric populations should be shifted to community supervision schemes in the future
Sentencing may become more indeterminate in nature
Media and community corrections
Key terms
What would you do? Exercise
Applied exercise
About the author.

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