

Machine generated ty abitat to fish populations?
What about the enormous numbers seen by John Smith?
What is the difference between recruitment overfishing and growth overfishing?
Can recreational and commercial fisheries co-exist?
4.Modern Industrial Fisheries Management
What is an example of a well-managed fishery?
What is different about the pollock fishery that makes it such a good example of sustainable management?
Why does the allowable catch change so much from year to year?
What is a stock assessment?
What is an observer program?
Why are there not more observer programs in world fisheries?
What is a certified fishery?
Why do some NGOs believe the Eastern Bering Sea pollock fishery is not well managed?
5.Economic Overfishing
Is overfishing only a biological problem?
What are individual fishermen's quotas, the IFQs?
What are the benefits of IFQs?
What are the negative impacts of IFQs?
What is economic overfishing?
How economically efficient are world fisheries in general?
How do we prevent economic overfishing?
Are there ways to prevent the tragedy of the commons without privatizing fisheries?
What are community development quotas?
How does sector allocation work?
What other mechanisms have been used to allocate fish?
6.Climate and Fisheries
How does climate affect fish populations?
Are many fisheries affected by climate?
Are there other fisheries where we can look at hundreds of years of history before fishing started?
How can we tell if a fishery is declining because of climate or fishing pressure?
What are going to be the impacts on fisheries from a warming ocean?
What will be the impacts of ocean acidification?
7.Mixed Fisheries
Do fisheries catch one species or more?
What determines how hard a fish species can be harvested?
How do we balance harvesting high- and low-productivity species in mixed fisheries?
What is "underfishing"?
Is it better to give up potential yield of productive species to keep unproductive species at high abundance?
How can we manage fisheries to reduce the mixed nature of the fishery?
8.High Seas Fisheries
What is the status of bluefin tuna that were proposed for CITES listing?
What is the status of tuna around the world?
Have some international fisheries management organizations been successful?
Why are some tuna stocks underexploited and others overexploited?
Is there hope for managing these high-seas fisheries?
9.Deepwater Fisheries
What happened to the orange roughy stocks?
Can very slow-growing fish like orange roughy be sustainably managed?
What is the experience with orange roughy in other countries?
Does closing large sections of New Zealand's economic zone assure the sustainability of orange roughy?
Should we have left potential orange roughy stocks unfished until we know more about their biology and ecosystem?
How should we deal with new resources when their biology and sustainability are highly uncertain?
10.Recreational Fisheries
Are recreational fisheries fundamentally different from commercial fisheries?
What is the scale

Historical overfishing
Recovery of fisheries
Modern industrial fisheries management
Economic overfishing
Climate and fisheries
Mixed fisheries
High seas fisheries
Deepwater fisheries
Recreational fisheries
Small-scale and artisanal fisheries
Illegal fishing
Trawling impacts on ecosystems
Marine protected areas
Ecosystem impacts of fishing
The status of overfishing.

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