Table of Contents
The name of the game: spectator sports in institution building
The college try: the collegiate ideal and the landscape of intercollegiate athletics
School colors: the forms of institutional culture
Team spirit: community and the substance of institutional culture
League standings: the university as national brand
Home games: local involvement in the life of the American university
Loyal fans: institutional identification at state U.
The football school: institutional image and brand equity
Homecoming weekend: motivating institutional advancement
Amateur ideals and commercial realities: understanding the American university and the future of college sports.
The college try: the collegiate ideal and the landscape of intercollegiate athletics
School colors: the forms of institutional culture
Team spirit: community and the substance of institutional culture
League standings: the university as national brand
Home games: local involvement in the life of the American university
Loyal fans: institutional identification at state U.
The football school: institutional image and brand equity
Homecoming weekend: motivating institutional advancement
Amateur ideals and commercial realities: understanding the American university and the future of college sports.