

Teacher Education and Professional Development: Preparing, Developing, and Supporting Teachers by Providing Them with a Firm Foundation
Teachers as Learners
Five Big Ideas from Research to Application
1. Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century Schooling
In Support of a Gold Standard for Educational Professionals: Teachers as Adaptive Experts and Lifelong Learners
Challenges in the Current System of Teacher Education and Schooling
Tools for Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century
Brain, Plasticity, Potential, and Intelligence
The Body-Brain System
The Challenges of Teaching Today
Opportunities Knock for Lifelong Learners
Connecting the Science of Learning to the Art of Teaching
2. BIG IDEA 1: Implications of Neural Plasticity for Learning and Teaching
Understanding the Science of Neural Plasticity
Brain Development Over the Life Span
Plasticity Research and the Classroom
From Research to Classroom Practice: Plasticity in Action
What's the Big Idea?
3. BIG IDEA 2: Recognizing Human Potential
Misunderstanding Potential: The Fixed Mindset
Defining Potential in the Classroom
Teacher Expectations About Their Students' Learning Potential
Educational Leadership: Beyond the Classroom
From Research to Classroom Practice: Guiding Students to Actualize Their Learning Potential
What's the Big Idea?
4. BIG IDEA 3: Understanding Intelligence
Conceptions of Intelligence
Dynamic, Changeable Intelligence
Malleable Intelligence and Student Learning
Malleable Intelligence, Motivation, and Effort
The Role of Deliberate Practice
Using Formative Assessment for Intelligence Building
Educational Leadership: Beyond the Classroom
From Research to Classroom Practice: Intelligence for 21st Century Success
What's the Big Idea?
5. BIG IDEA 4: The Body-Brain System at Work for Learning
Stronger Bodies, Sharper Minds
The Search for Causal Connections
High-Octane Fuel for Learning
The Emotional Aspects of Learning
Modeling and Teaching Optimism
Preparing for Learning with a Good Night's Sleep
From Research to Classroom Practice: Putting the Body-Brain System to Work
What's the Big Idea?
6. BIG IDEA 5: Metacognition as a Path to Becoming Functionally Smarter
Metacognition Through the Ages
Thinking About Thinking: Two Layers of Learning
Connecting Metacognition and Executive Function
Teaching and Facilitating the Use of Cognitive Strategies
Connecting Cognitive Strategies to the Common Core State Standards
Gathering Information
Exploring and Elaborating
Communicating What You Have Learned
Teaching Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies by Example
From Research to Classroom Practice: Learning by Teaching and Reflecting on Your Professional Practice
What's the Big Idea?
7. Teaching, Learning, and Neuroeducation Myth Busting
Becoming an "Apprentice" of Effective Education
There Is More to 21st Century Education Than the 3 Rs
A Lot More
You Can Get Better at Almost Anything If You Set Your Mind to It
Your Brain Is a Learning Muscle
Build It
Early Intensive Reading Instruction Can Open New Worlds
The Little Engine That Could Had the Right Idea
Don't Forget: You Can Remember
Support Physical Activity to Support Learning
Your Role as a Myth Buster
8. Your Journey of Learning and Teaching
The Importance of Learning Together
Connecting with a Worldwide Professional Learning Community
The Joy of Informal Learning
Rising to the Hope and Challenges of Your Professional Practice.

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