

"He has a flag": the relationship of the military to Black identity, community, and citizenship and the origins of the Black regiment movement
"Positions of honor and trust": Charles Ward Fillmore, the Equity Congress, and the Byzantine politics of the Black regiment movement
"Second only to ... the Emancipation Proclamation": the trying campaign from authorization to formation
"Mulligan's Guards": the (re)-birth and growing pains of the 15th New York National Guard
War and expediency: the politics of federal recognition, regimental training, and the President's call to service
Race war at home or combat abroad? Tested in the white-hot crucible of camp life
"Over there": the 15th New York/369th Regiment in France: from the AEF to the French Army, January-April 1918
Trial by fire: in combat with the French 16th Infantry Division, mid-April to June 1918
"The Battle of Henry Johnson" and Neadom Roberts: the night two ordinary men became war heroes and race symbols
A midsummer's nightmare: race swirls above the 369th, May-August 1918
The big push: offensives in Champagne/Meuse-Argonne and the capture of Séchault, September 7-October 4, 1918
War's end: final campaign, first to the Rhine, occupation, and hasty departure
"War crossed abroad and double crossed at home": triumphant heroes, objects of ridicule, or fearsome trained killers?
Your services are no longer needed: the War Department's postwar decimation and denigration of Black soldiers and the 369th's fight for survival and recognition
Winning the battle and losing the war: the renewed fight for a Black commander and the disfiguring transformations of the 369th.

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