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Table of Contents
Preface; ICTIEE 2014 Committee; Chief Patron; Advisors; Conference Chairs; Program Chairs; Publication Chair; Program Committee; Contents; About the Editors; Editor; Associate Editors; Part I: Invited Papers; Transformations in℗ Engineering Education Globally; 1 Panel Discussion: Transformations in℗ Engineering Education Globally; 2 Panel Discussion: Transformations in℗ Engineering Education Globally
Focus on Africa; References; The Important Tool for℗ the℗ Transformation in℗ Global Engineering Education: Mobility; Adopting MOOCs for℗ Quality Engineering Education in℗ India
1 Growth of℗ Engineering Education in℗ India2 Role of℗ a℗ Teacher; 3 Onslaught of℗ MOOCs; 3.1 Working of℗ Present MOOCs; 3.2 Limitations of℗ the℗ MOOCs; 3.2.1 Dilemma Faced by Students Enrolled for℗ a℗ University Degree; 3.2.2 Disintermediation of℗ Human Interaction; 3.2.3 Practical Laboratory Sessions; 4 A Blended Model for℗ Adopting MOOCs in℗ India; 4.1 Acceptance by Universities; 4.2 Human Interaction; 4.3 Practical Sessions; 5 Blended MOOCs from℗ IIT Bombay; 6 Conclusion; References; Outcome-Based Accreditation and℗ ABET
Present Status and℗ Challenges Ahead for℗ Engineering Education: Global and℗ National Perspectives1 Introduction; 2 Some Contemporary Issues in℗ Technical Education; 2.1 Liberalization of℗ Technical Education; 2.2 Autonomy; 3 National Policy Guidelines for℗ Bringing About Changes in℗ Higher Education: Indicative List; 4 Drivers of℗ Change in℗ Higher Education; 5 A Summary of℗ the℗ Features of℗ Indian Engineering Education; 6 Some Mismatches in℗ Our Technical Education System; 7 The Symbiotic and℗ Synergistic Partnership Between University and℗ Corporate Sectors; 8 Industrial Training
9 The Emerging Significance of℗ Global Rankings10 Creating Research-Led Universities in℗ India; 10.1 What Do We℗ Need to℗ Do to℗ Create World-Class Research-℗ƯLed Universities in℗ India?; 11 Issues in℗ Research Promotion in℗ our Technical Institutions [4-6]; 12 Some Issues of℗ National Concern [7, 8]; 13 Globalization and℗ Global Engineers; 14 Instruction in℗ Professional Ethics and℗ Human Values; 15 The Gap Between Extant Potential and℗ Performance; 16 The Road Ahead; 17 Concluding Remarks; References; Innovation and℗ Entrepreneurship in℗ Engineering Education; 1 The Effort at MIT; 1.1 Insight; 1.2 Process
2 Results3 The Effort in℗ India; 4 Conclusions; Attributes of℗ Engineers and℗ Engineering Education for℗ the℗ Twenty-First-Century℗ World; 1 Twenty-First-Century World; 2 Universities and℗ Engineering Education Providers; 2.1 Attributes of℗ Engineers; 2.2 Undergraduate Engineering Education; 3 Training Graduates and℗ Researchers (Training the℗ Trainers); 4 Conclusions; References; Engineers Without Borders; 1 Stages of℗ Globalization and℗ the℗ Global Economy; 2 Educating the℗ Next-Generation Engineer; 3 Conclusion; Pedagogy Training and℗ Certification for℗ Faculty; 1 IGIP and℗ Engineering Education
Focus on Africa; References; The Important Tool for℗ the℗ Transformation in℗ Global Engineering Education: Mobility; Adopting MOOCs for℗ Quality Engineering Education in℗ India
1 Growth of℗ Engineering Education in℗ India2 Role of℗ a℗ Teacher; 3 Onslaught of℗ MOOCs; 3.1 Working of℗ Present MOOCs; 3.2 Limitations of℗ the℗ MOOCs; 3.2.1 Dilemma Faced by Students Enrolled for℗ a℗ University Degree; 3.2.2 Disintermediation of℗ Human Interaction; 3.2.3 Practical Laboratory Sessions; 4 A Blended Model for℗ Adopting MOOCs in℗ India; 4.1 Acceptance by Universities; 4.2 Human Interaction; 4.3 Practical Sessions; 5 Blended MOOCs from℗ IIT Bombay; 6 Conclusion; References; Outcome-Based Accreditation and℗ ABET
Present Status and℗ Challenges Ahead for℗ Engineering Education: Global and℗ National Perspectives1 Introduction; 2 Some Contemporary Issues in℗ Technical Education; 2.1 Liberalization of℗ Technical Education; 2.2 Autonomy; 3 National Policy Guidelines for℗ Bringing About Changes in℗ Higher Education: Indicative List; 4 Drivers of℗ Change in℗ Higher Education; 5 A Summary of℗ the℗ Features of℗ Indian Engineering Education; 6 Some Mismatches in℗ Our Technical Education System; 7 The Symbiotic and℗ Synergistic Partnership Between University and℗ Corporate Sectors; 8 Industrial Training
9 The Emerging Significance of℗ Global Rankings10 Creating Research-Led Universities in℗ India; 10.1 What Do We℗ Need to℗ Do to℗ Create World-Class Research-℗ƯLed Universities in℗ India?; 11 Issues in℗ Research Promotion in℗ our Technical Institutions [4-6]; 12 Some Issues of℗ National Concern [7, 8]; 13 Globalization and℗ Global Engineers; 14 Instruction in℗ Professional Ethics and℗ Human Values; 15 The Gap Between Extant Potential and℗ Performance; 16 The Road Ahead; 17 Concluding Remarks; References; Innovation and℗ Entrepreneurship in℗ Engineering Education; 1 The Effort at MIT; 1.1 Insight; 1.2 Process
2 Results3 The Effort in℗ India; 4 Conclusions; Attributes of℗ Engineers and℗ Engineering Education for℗ the℗ Twenty-First-Century℗ World; 1 Twenty-First-Century World; 2 Universities and℗ Engineering Education Providers; 2.1 Attributes of℗ Engineers; 2.2 Undergraduate Engineering Education; 3 Training Graduates and℗ Researchers (Training the℗ Trainers); 4 Conclusions; References; Engineers Without Borders; 1 Stages of℗ Globalization and℗ the℗ Global Economy; 2 Educating the℗ Next-Generation Engineer; 3 Conclusion; Pedagogy Training and℗ Certification for℗ Faculty; 1 IGIP and℗ Engineering Education