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Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Editors and Contributors; Editors; Contributors; Chapter 1: Smear Ripened Cheeses; 1.1 Background; 1.2 Smear Ripened Cheeses; 1.3 The Ingredients; 1.4 The Microbes at Work; 1.5 Smear-Cheese Flavour; 1.6 Conclusion; References; Chapter 2: Genomics and℗ Functional Role of℗ Actinomycetes on℗ Smear Ripened Cheeses; 2.1 Evolution of℗ Actinomycetes Influencing Smear Cheeses; 2.2 Genomics and℗ Functional Aspects of℗ Some Smear Cheese Bacteria; 2.2.1 Influence of℗ Thriving Habitat on℗ Loss of℗ Genes; 2.2.2 Catabolism of℗ Carbon Substrates Present in℗ Cheeses

2.2.3 Iron Acquisition2.2.4 Osmotolerance; Osmotolerance and℗ Trehalose; 2.2.5 Competition -Bacteriocins; 2.2.6 Bacteriophage; 2.2.7 Production of℗ Flavour Compounds; 2.2.8 Pigment Production; 2.2.9 Proteolysis; 2.2.10 Peptidomics; 2.3 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Characterization of℗ Actinomycetes from℗ Smear Ripened Cheeses℗
A℗ Polyphasic Approach; 3.1 Microbial Diversity; 3.2 The Species Concept; 3.3 Classification of℗ Actinobacteria Isolated from℗ Smear Cheeses; 3.4 Coryneforms; 3.4.1 The Suborder Micrococcineae; The Family Brevibacteriaceae The Family Microbacteriaceae3.4.1.3 The Family Micrococcaceae; 3.4.2 The Suborder Propionibacterineae; Family Propionibacteriaceae; 3.5 Culture Dependent Characterization of℗ Bacteria; 3.6 The Role of℗ Taxonomy in℗ Identification and℗ Characterisation of℗ New Taxa; 3.6.1 Polyphasic Taxonomy; 3.7 Genotypic Molecular Markers; 3.7.1 16S rDNA Sequence Analysis; 3.7.2 DNA:DNA Relatedness Studies; 3.8 Chemical Markers Used in℗ Classification; 3.8.1 Menaquinones; 3.8.2 Phospholipids; 3.8.3 Cell Wall Analysis; 3.9 Phenotypic Characterisation

3.10 Case Study: 'Culture Dependent Characterization of℗ Actinomycetes Diversity on℗ European Smear Ripened Cheeses'3.10.1 Isolation and℗ De-replication to℗ Identify Community Diversity; 3.10.2 Sequencing 16S rDNA; 3.10.3 Cell Wall Analysis; 3.10.4 Mycolic Acids; 3.10.5 Cell Wall Analysis for℗ Sugars; 3.10.6 Fatty Acid Analysis; 3.10.7 Polar Lipids Analysis; 3.10.8 Phenotypic Characterization; 3.10.9 Description of℗ Four Novel Taxa Isolated and℗ Identified from℗ This Study; Mycetocola reblochoni (Bora et℗ al. 2008); Leucobacter lepicola (Bora 2010 Unpublished) Agrococcus casei (Bora et℗ al. 2007) Brevibacterium superficiens (Bora 2010 Unpublished); 3.11 Protocols; 3.11.1 Highthroughput DNA Extraction Method by Mechanical Lysis; 3.11.2 Repetitive PCR Finger Printing; 3.11.3 16S rDNA PCR Amplification; 3.11.4 Chemotaxonomic Analysis; Determination of℗ Isomers of℗ Diaminopimelic Acid (A2pm) from℗ Whole-Organism Hydrolysates of℗ Isolates (Modified from℗ Staneck and℗ Roberts 1974); Determination of℗ the℗ N-acyl Type of℗ Muramic Acid Residues in℗ the℗ Peptidoglycan (Modified from℗ Uchida et℗ al. 1999)

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