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Endorsements; Preface; Introducing the℗ Book Series; References; Contents; Chapter 1: A Life in℗ Relation to℗ the℗ Broader Stroke℗ of℗ Education; Gwik'ee Gwiriheendaii Gwizhrii Go'aii; We Must Make an℗ Effort; Towards the℗ Renewal of℗ the℗ Ecological in℗ Science Education; References; Part I: Ecojustice Section; Chapter 2: Together We℗ Look for℗ Answers; Chapter 3: Put Away Your No. 2 Pencils-Reconceptualizing School Accountability Through EcoJustice; EcoJustice Theory-Conceptual Framework; The Culture of℗ Measurement; The Dominant Accountability Movement

Problems with℗ the℗ Dominant Conception of℗ School℗ Accountability Problems with℗ the℗ Economic Competitiveness Discourse℗ of℗ School Accountability; Need for℗ a℗ Different Vision of℗ School Accountability; An Alternate Vision for℗ School Accountability; School Accountability-A Moral Obligation; Biesta's Conceptual Model for℗ Functions of℗ Educational℗ Systems; Biesta's Conceptual Model Applied to℗ EcoJustice Theory; Qualification; Socialization; Subjectification; Implications for℗ Accountability in℗ Science Education; New Visions of℗ Ecological Literacy

Reject the℗ Hegemony of℗ Quantitative Test Scores Diversity Principle: Multiple Measures; Counterarguments-Politics, Mandates, and℗ Complexity℗ of℗ Change; Too Politically Charged; The School System Cannot Shoulder Another Mandate; Complex and℗ Overwhelming Ideas; Effective for℗ What? And℗ for℗ Whom?; Notes; References; Chapter 4: Provoking EcoJustice-Taking Citizen Science and℗ Youth Activism Beyond the School Curriculum; Part I: Building Youth 'Change Agents' on℗ an℗ Expedition in℗ the℗ Arctic: Rethinking Science, Environmental, and℗ Civics Education (Lisa Glithero)

Students on℗ Ice as℗ an℗ Experiential Learning Framework Part II: Developing Collaborative Social Action Curriculum Projects: Media Studies, Science Education and℗ Ecojustice Activism [Nicholas Ng-A-Fook]; Part III: Advancing Citizen Science and℗ Youth Activism Through Ecojustice-The Story of℗ Marianna [Giuliano Reis]; Brushing Up℗ on℗ Biology; When Past and℗ Present Meet Up; Lessons (L)earned; Sharing Our Efforts to℗ Promote Ecojustice; References; Chapter 5: The Sustainable Farm School-Waldorf Philosophy and℗ EcoJustice Theory in℗ Aesthetic Contexts; Rudolf Steiner's Vision and℗ Waldorf Education

Exploring Spirituality and℗ Interconnectedness Pedagogy of℗ Sustainability, Eco-critical Examination, and℗ Eco-imagination; The Sustainable Farm School-Mission and℗ Vision; Three Courses at SFS; Urban Gardening, Philosophy, and℗ Holistic Nutrition; Urban Gardening; Philosophy; Holistic Nutrition; Cultivating Caretakers of℗ Their Community; References; Chapter 6: Building Teacher Leaders and℗ Sustaining Local Communities Through a℗ Collaborative Farm to School Education Project-What EcoJustice Work Can PreService Teachers℗ Do?; EcoJustice and℗ Farm to℗ School

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