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Table of Contents
Foreword; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Anatomy and Physiology of the Parathyroid Glands; 1: The History: From℗ Ivar Sandstr©œm to℗ the℗ Sequence of℗ Parathyroid Hormone; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Discovery of℗ the℗ Glands; 1.3 Clarification of℗ the℗ Separate Anatomy of℗ the℗ Parathyroids; 1.4 Physiological Role of℗ the℗ Glands; 1.5 The Parathyroids Are Endocrine Glands; 1.6 Era of℗ Chemical Biology; 1.7 Era of℗ Molecular Biology; References; 2: Embryology of℗ the℗ Parathyroid Glands; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Anatomy of℗ Parathyroid Organogenesis
2.3 Molecular Regulators of℗ Initial Parathyroid Specification2.3.1 Transcription Factors; 2.3.2 Signaling Pathways; 2.4 Differentiation and℗ Survival of℗ Parathyroids: Gcm2; 2.5 The Thymus-Parathyroid Connection; 2.5.1 Do the℗ Thymus and℗ Parathyroids Have Overlapping Functions?; 2.5.2 Stability of℗ Parathyroid Cell℗ Fate; References; 3: PTH and℗ PTH-Related Peptides; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 PTH and℗ PTHrP: Genes, Structures, and℗ Biosynthesis; 3.3 Regulation, Metabolism, and℗ Catabolism of℗ PTH and℗ PTHrP; 3.4 Receptor and℗ Biological Effects of℗ PTH and℗ PTHrP; References
4: PTH Assays and℗ Their Clinical Significance4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Origin of℗ Circulating PTH Molecular Forms; 4.3 Molecular Forms of℗ PTH in℗ Specific Clinical Conditions; 4.3.1 Primary Hyperparathyroidism; 4.3.2 Hypoparathyroidism; 4.3.3 Non-parathyroid Hypercalcemia; 4.3.4 Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Related to℗ Vitamin D Deficiency; 4.3.5 Renal Failure; Conclusion; References; 5: Control of℗ Parathyroid Hormone Secretion by Extracellular Ca2+; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Role of℗ PTH in℗ Maintaining Mineral Ion Homeostasis In℗ Vivo; 5.3 Mechanisms That Determine the℗ Overall Rate of℗ PTH Secretion
5.3.1 Production of℗ PTH-Containing Secretory Vesicles5.3.2 The Physiology of℗ Ca2+o-℗ƯRegulated PTH Secretion; 5.4 Mechanisms by Which Ca2+o Regulates the℗ Diverse Aspects of℗ Parathyroid Function That Determine the℗ Overall Rate of℗ PTH Release; 5.4.1 Molecular Basis for℗ Ca2+o-Sensing; 5.4.2 The CaSR Is the℗ Mediator of℗ the℗ Regulation of℗ PTH Secretion by Ca2+o; 5.4.3 The CaSR Can Modulate PTH Secretion Independent of℗ Changes in℗ Ca2+o; 5.4.4 Control of℗ PTH Degradation by Ca2+o and℗ the℗ CaSR; 5.4.5 Role of℗ the℗ CaSR in℗ Regulating PTH Gene Expression
5.4.6 Ca2+o Regulates Parathyroid Cellular Proliferation via the℗ CaSR5.4.7 Does the℗ CaSR Modulate Parathyroid Cell Apoptosis?; Conclusions; References; 6: Phosphate Control of℗ PTH Secretion; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 General Notes on℗ Phosphorus Metabolism; 6.2.1 Main Functions and℗ Body Distribution of℗ Phosphorus; 6.2.2 Factors Controlling Phosphate Metabolism; 6.2.3 Phosphorus Control of℗ Its Controlling Factors; PTH-Mediated Phosphate Control; Phosphate-Mediated Control of℗ Parathyroid Function; 6.2.4 Indirect Effects of℗ Pi on℗ PTH; 6.2.5 Direct Effects of℗ Phosphate on℗ PTH
2.3 Molecular Regulators of℗ Initial Parathyroid Specification2.3.1 Transcription Factors; 2.3.2 Signaling Pathways; 2.4 Differentiation and℗ Survival of℗ Parathyroids: Gcm2; 2.5 The Thymus-Parathyroid Connection; 2.5.1 Do the℗ Thymus and℗ Parathyroids Have Overlapping Functions?; 2.5.2 Stability of℗ Parathyroid Cell℗ Fate; References; 3: PTH and℗ PTH-Related Peptides; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 PTH and℗ PTHrP: Genes, Structures, and℗ Biosynthesis; 3.3 Regulation, Metabolism, and℗ Catabolism of℗ PTH and℗ PTHrP; 3.4 Receptor and℗ Biological Effects of℗ PTH and℗ PTHrP; References
4: PTH Assays and℗ Their Clinical Significance4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Origin of℗ Circulating PTH Molecular Forms; 4.3 Molecular Forms of℗ PTH in℗ Specific Clinical Conditions; 4.3.1 Primary Hyperparathyroidism; 4.3.2 Hypoparathyroidism; 4.3.3 Non-parathyroid Hypercalcemia; 4.3.4 Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Related to℗ Vitamin D Deficiency; 4.3.5 Renal Failure; Conclusion; References; 5: Control of℗ Parathyroid Hormone Secretion by Extracellular Ca2+; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Role of℗ PTH in℗ Maintaining Mineral Ion Homeostasis In℗ Vivo; 5.3 Mechanisms That Determine the℗ Overall Rate of℗ PTH Secretion
5.3.1 Production of℗ PTH-Containing Secretory Vesicles5.3.2 The Physiology of℗ Ca2+o-℗ƯRegulated PTH Secretion; 5.4 Mechanisms by Which Ca2+o Regulates the℗ Diverse Aspects of℗ Parathyroid Function That Determine the℗ Overall Rate of℗ PTH Release; 5.4.1 Molecular Basis for℗ Ca2+o-Sensing; 5.4.2 The CaSR Is the℗ Mediator of℗ the℗ Regulation of℗ PTH Secretion by Ca2+o; 5.4.3 The CaSR Can Modulate PTH Secretion Independent of℗ Changes in℗ Ca2+o; 5.4.4 Control of℗ PTH Degradation by Ca2+o and℗ the℗ CaSR; 5.4.5 Role of℗ the℗ CaSR in℗ Regulating PTH Gene Expression
5.4.6 Ca2+o Regulates Parathyroid Cellular Proliferation via the℗ CaSR5.4.7 Does the℗ CaSR Modulate Parathyroid Cell Apoptosis?; Conclusions; References; 6: Phosphate Control of℗ PTH Secretion; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 General Notes on℗ Phosphorus Metabolism; 6.2.1 Main Functions and℗ Body Distribution of℗ Phosphorus; 6.2.2 Factors Controlling Phosphate Metabolism; 6.2.3 Phosphorus Control of℗ Its Controlling Factors; PTH-Mediated Phosphate Control; Phosphate-Mediated Control of℗ Parathyroid Function; 6.2.4 Indirect Effects of℗ Pi on℗ PTH; 6.2.5 Direct Effects of℗ Phosphate on℗ PTH