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General Plan of the Essay
Chapter 1: The Three Levels of Aristotle?s Theory of Material Bodies in Forced Motion
Chapter 2: Heaviness, Lightness, Sinking and Floating
Chapter 3: Some Refinements of the Basic Theory
Chapter 4: The Dynamics of Balance: The Winch and the Lever in the Pseudo Aristotelian Mechanical Problems
Chapter 5: Hipparchus on the theory of Prolonged Motion.- Appendix 1: Do Heavy Objects become Heavier as they Approach their Natural Place?
Appendix 2: A Threshold of Motion in Time, as well as in Force?
Appendix 3: A Mathematical Formulation of Aristotle?s Theory of Forced Horizontal Motion
Appendix 4: A Mathematical Formulation of Aristotle?s Theory of Natural and Forced Vertical Motion
Appendix 5: A Mathematical Formulation of Hipparchus?s Theory of Vertical Motion
Appendix 6: Alternative Translations of the Quotations Used in the Main Text. .

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