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Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Part I Geology; 1 A Review of the Geology, Structural Controls, and Tectonic Setting of Copahue Volcano, Southern Volcanic Zone, Andes, Argentina; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Tectonic Framework at 37
39̊S and Sublithospheric Structure; 1.2.1 The Mandolegüe Volcanic Lineament; 1.3 Structure of Copahue Volcano and Agrio Caldera; 1.4 Tectonic Evolution of Copahue Volcano and Agrio Caldera; 1.4.1 The Pliocene to Pleistocene Evolution; 1.4.2 Processes Younger Than 1 Ma; References; 2 Active Tectonics and Its Interactions with Copahue Volcano

Abstract2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Volcanotectonic Setting; 2.3 Active Tectonics
Literature Data; 2.3.1 The Caviahue-Agrio Caldera; 2.3.2 The Structures South of Copahue; 2.3.3 WNW-Striking Structures and Grabens; 2.3.4 The Chancho-Co Structure; 2.3.5 The Copahue Fault; 2.4 Active Tectonics
New Field Data; 2.5 Volcano Feeding System; 2.6 Elastic Interactions Between Recent Faulting and Copahue; 2.6.1 Conceptual Model and Modelling Strategy; 2.6.2 Interaction Between the Subduction Zone and the Volcano; 2.6.3 Effect of the Surrounding Structures on the Volcano; 2.7 Discussion

2.8 Final RemarksAcknowledgments; References; Part II Eruptive History; 3 Prehistoric to Historic Volcanic Activity at Copahue Volcano; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Prehistoric Eruptions; 3.3 Historic Eruptions; 3.3.1 The 1992
1995 Eruptive Activity; 3.3.2 The 2000 Eruption; 3.4 Final Remarks; References; 4 The 2012 Eruption; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Studies Between 2004 and 2010 (Inter-eruptive Period); 4.3 The 2012 Eruptive Event; 4.3.1 Precursory Signals; 4.3.2 Phreatic Events of July 2012; 4.3.3 The Eruption of December 22nd

4.4 Description of Material Ejected During the Eruption4.4.1 Phreatomagmatic Events of July 2012; 4.4.2 The Eruption of December 22nd; 4.5 Discussion; References; Part III Petrology and Geochemistry; 5 Copahue Volcano and Its Regional Magmatic Setting; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Tectonic Setting; 5.2.1 Regional Tectonic Setting; 5.2.2 Local Tectonic Setting; 5.3 Character of the Subduction Zone; 5.4 Regional Volcanology; 5.5 The Recent Eruptions of Copahue Volcano; 5.6 Methods of Analyses; 5.6.1 Electron Microprobe Analyses; 5.7 Samples and Petrography of the CCVC Volcanic Rocks Copahue

5.8 Caviahue5.9 Loncopue Back Arc Basalts; 5.10 Geochemistry of the CCVC and LBAB Rocks; 5.10.1 Major Elements; 5.10.2 Trace Elements; 5.10.3 Glass Compositions; 5.10.4 Radiogenic Isotope Ratios in CCVC Rocks; 5.11 Regional Comparisons; 5.12 Discussion; 5.13 Comprehensive Model for the Regional Magmatic Setting; References; 6 Geochemistry of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluid Reservoir of Copahue Volcano (Argentina): Insights from the Chemical and Isotopic Features of Fumarolic Discharges; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Fluid Discharges at CCVC; 6.3 Gas Chemical Composition

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