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1. Preludes; 1.1. Disquieting Imagination; 1.2. The Rough Drafts of Tiny Humanity; 1.3. Objects Are Closer Than They Appear; 1.4. Dilemmas of Introductions

2. Affecting Psychoanalysis; 2.1. Preconditions as Another Term for Origins; 2.2. An Education in Psychoanalysis; 2.3. Entrances and Exists; 2.4. Education as We Do Not Know It; 2.5. Prolepsis: 1927 Symposium on Child Analysis and the Fallout of Education

3. The Early Education of Psychoanalysis; 3.1. Attractions in the Making; 3.2. The Work of Libido; 3.3. Transference; 3.4. Little Hans: The First Case of Child Analysis; 3.5. Klein's "Development of a Child, Part One"

4. Away from Education: Step-by-Step; 4.1. A Change of Heart; 4.2. "The Child's Resistance to Enlightenment": Part Two; 4.3. Libido Goes to School; 4.4. What Is the Teacher To Do?; 4.5. "Just Like Dreams"

5. The Psychoanalytic Situation: Early Analysis and Its Theory of Play Technique; 5.1. "Forgets All Dreams": The Early Clinic of Klein's Berlin Practice; 5.2. Anxiety as Deep-Seated; 5.3. "I Don't Mind": From Monotonous Games to Worries of Being Watched; 5.4. "There's Something About Life I Don't like": Erna's Depression and the Mother's Body; 5.5. A World of Small Toys and Gigantic Feelings

7. "Six Degrees of Separation": The Freud-Klein Controversies 1941
1945; 7.1. Education and Infancy; 7.2. Psychoanalytic Diaspora; 7.3. A Family Affair; 7.4. Drives Versus Object Relations; 7.5. Compromises

8. "If I Were You": A Phantasy in Two Parts; 8.1. Splitting of the Object and the Ego; 8.2. Boundless Transference; 8.3. Projective Identifications and the Changes of Identity; 8.4. "To Bite the Hand that Feeds One": Emotional Attitudes and the Urge for Reparation; 8.5. "The Pain of Integration"

9. Narratives of the Psychoanalytic Situation: On the Friendship of Mrs. K. and Richard; 9.1. "Go Right to the Depths"; 9.2. "Do You Really Know What I Think? How Can You Really Know?": Twenty-Fourth Session, Saturday; 9.3. "Do Psycho-Analysts Go to Church?": Fifty-Second Session, Sunday; 9.4. "Must We Say Goodbye?": The Sadness of Parting; 9.5. A Fortuitous Meeting: Richard's Recollections of the Analysis.

Affecting psychoanalysis
The early education of psychoanalysis
Away from education: step-by-step
The psychoanalytic situation: early analysis and its theory of play technique
"Everything good and bad": developing depressive position and imagination
"Six degress of separation": the Freud-Klein controversies 1941-1945
"If I were you": a phantasy in two parts
Narratives of the psychoanalytic situation: on the friendship of Mrs. K. and Richard.

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