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Table of Contents
1 Introduction; References; 2 Literature Analysis on Consumer Understanding of Nutrition Information; Abstract ; Background: Consumer Food Choices and Nutrition Information; Methods of Literature Review; Results on Consumer Understanding of Nutrition Information; Conclusion; References; 3 Diet and Nutritional Requirements; Abstract ; The Evolution of Food Choices; The Meaning of the Term "Diet"; From "Food" to "Nutrition Principles" and "Nutrient"; Conclusion; References; 4 Factors Influencing Energy Balance: Estimation Methods; Abstract ; Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions
Energy Requirements and a Comparison Between the Main Estimation MethodsThe Harris-Benedict Equation; The Roza and Shizgal Equation: A Revision of the Harris-Benedict Equation; The Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation; The Cunningham Equation; The Schofield Equation; The Santoprete Equation; The Institute of Medicine Equation (2005); Definition of Optimal Body Mass; Conclusion; References; 5 Nutrition Fundamentals; Abstract ; The Macronutrients (Glucides, Protides and Lipids); The Micronutrients (Vitamins and Mineral Salts); Water and Some Considerations About Ethylic Alcohol; Conclusion; References
6 The Evolution of Nutrition InformationAbstract ; An Overview on Nutrition Labelling; The Evolution of Nutrition Labelling in Europe; Comparison Between the EU Nutrition Declaration and the USA Facts Panel; Conclusion; References; 7 Claims and Other Front of Package Information; Abstract ; Front of Package Systems Indicating Nutrition Information to Consumers; Nutrition and Health Claims; Graphical Nutrition Labelling; Nutrition Scoring and Calorie Labelling; Graphical Labelling in the Regulation (EU) 11692011; Conclusion; References; Index
Energy Requirements and a Comparison Between the Main Estimation MethodsThe Harris-Benedict Equation; The Roza and Shizgal Equation: A Revision of the Harris-Benedict Equation; The Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation; The Cunningham Equation; The Schofield Equation; The Santoprete Equation; The Institute of Medicine Equation (2005); Definition of Optimal Body Mass; Conclusion; References; 5 Nutrition Fundamentals; Abstract ; The Macronutrients (Glucides, Protides and Lipids); The Micronutrients (Vitamins and Mineral Salts); Water and Some Considerations About Ethylic Alcohol; Conclusion; References
6 The Evolution of Nutrition InformationAbstract ; An Overview on Nutrition Labelling; The Evolution of Nutrition Labelling in Europe; Comparison Between the EU Nutrition Declaration and the USA Facts Panel; Conclusion; References; 7 Claims and Other Front of Package Information; Abstract ; Front of Package Systems Indicating Nutrition Information to Consumers; Nutrition and Health Claims; Graphical Nutrition Labelling; Nutrition Scoring and Calorie Labelling; Graphical Labelling in the Regulation (EU) 11692011; Conclusion; References; Index