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Introduction; Change in Education; Ten Elements of Student Centered Learning; Why Student Centered Learning; The Plan of This Book; 1 Teachers and Students as Co-Learners; Abstract; Background 1-We are All Learners ; Strategy 1-Celebrate Negative Feedback; Background 2-The E ects of Expectations ; Strategy 2-Show that We're Lifelong Learners; Background 3-Teachers Share About Themselves ; Strategy 3-Make Connections to Our Own Lives; Background 4-Sages Versus Guides ; Strategy 4-Let Students Teach; Background 5-Listen to Learn

Strategy 5-Take Time to Understand What Students are Trying to SayBackground 6-Building on Students' Experiences ; Strategy 6-Tap Student Expertise; Background 7-Journaling ; Strategy 7-Ask Students to Write Journal Entries; Background 8-Sharing Our Learning with Our Students ; Strategy 8-Tell Students What We are Reading/Viewing; Background 9-See Our Teaching Through Students' Eyes ; Strategy 9-Ask Students to Evaluate; Your Turn ; References; 2 Student-Student Interaction; Abstract; Background 1-Making a Learning Space ; Strategy 1-Arrange the Room to Facilitate Peer Interaction

Background 2-The Size of Student Groups Strategy 2-Start with Pairs; Background 3-Larger Groups ; Strategy 3-Combine Pairs into Foursomes; Background 4-Cooperative Learning ; Strategy 4-Group Members Have Numbers; Background 5-Collaborative Skills ; Strategy 5-Teach Collaborative Skills; Background 6-Believing in the Power of Groups ; Strategy 6-Encourage Students to Remember Successful Groups; Background 7-Individual Work ; Strategy 7-Do Individual Assessment; Background 8-Sponge Activities ; Strategy 8-Ask Early Finishers to Help Others; Your Turn ; References; 3 Learner Autonomy; Abstract

Background 1-Choices Strategy 1-Give Students Choices; Background 2-Independence ; Strategy 2-Use Doable Tasks; Background 3-Peer Feedback ; Strategy 3-Promoting Peer Feedback; Background 4-Student-Developed Materials ; Strategy 4-Help Students Share Their Work with Others; Background 5-Students Taking Responsibility ; Strategy 5-Encourage Students to Look Out for Peers; Background 6-Peers as the First Resort ; Strategy 6-Don't Be the First Resort; Background 7-Teacher as Guide ; Strategy 7-Sideline Yourself; Background 8-Re ecting on Learning ; Strategy 8-Ask for Exit Tickets

Background 9-From Practical to General Learning Strategy 9-Highlight the Big Picture; Your Turn ; References; 4 Focus on Meaning; Abstract; Background 1 ; Strategy 1-Explain the What, Why, and How; Background 2-Framing Learning ; Strategy 2-Share the Plan; Background 3-Instruction Connected to the Real World ; Strategy 3-Be Willing to Change the Plan; Background 4-Linking Instruction to Students' Interests ; Strategy 4-Learn About What Students Are into; Background 5-Keeping It in Context ; Strategy 5-Ask for Students' Views and Experiences; Background 6-Keeping It Real

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