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Chapter 1: Who Wants Walls? An Ethnolinguistics of Insides and Outsides
Chapter 2: Emotional Valuation: Values and Emotions in Translation
Chapter 3: Alternative Evaluative Concepts to the Trinity of Bible Translation
Chapter 4: Submission and Its Conflicting Value Systems: A Case Study
Chapter 5: Re-examining Islamic Evaluative Concepts in English Translations of the Quran: Friendship, Justice and Retaliation
Chapter 6: English Evaluative Concepts in a Contemporary Devotional Christian Text. A Comparative Study of Dzienniczek by Faustyna Kowalska and Its English Translation
Chapter 7: Clarity, Soberness, Chastity: Politics of Simplicity in Nineteenth-Century Translation
Chapter 8: Letters to Italy: Translation and Religion in Nineteenth-Century Ireland
Chapter 9: Improving the Public: Translating 'Protestant' Values through Nineteenth-Century Bilingual Print Journalism in South Asia
Chapter 10: Translating Protestant Christianity into China
Questions of Indigenization and Sinification in a Globalised World
Chapter 11: Translating the Past: the Moral Universe of Calderón's Painter of Dishonour
Chapter 12: Beckett as Translator of Beckett: the Transmission of (Anti-?) Religious Concepts
Chapter 13: Vulnerable Values: The Polish dom ('house, home') in English Translation
Chapter 14: Smart Dreamers: Translation and the Culture of Speculative Fiction
Chapter 15: Translation as an Evaluative Concept.

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