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Preface; Contents; 1 Basic Concepts of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; 1.1 Magnetic Dipole; 1.1.1 Magnetic Dipole Moment; 1.1.2 Magnetic Field Produced by a Magnetic Dipole Moment; 1.1.3 Magnetogyric Ratio; 1.1.4 Electronic g-Factor of the Orbital and Spin Magnetic Moments; 1.2 Magnetic Moment of the Electron Shell in a Free Atom or Ion; 1.2.1 Electronic g-Factor of the Orbital and Spin Magnetic Moments; 1.2.2 Spin-Orbit Interaction; 1.2.3 Landé Interval Rule and Landé g-Factor; 1.3 Magnetic Dipole in a Magnetic Field; 1.3.1 Electron Zeeman Interaction

1.3.2 Interaction Between the Magnetic Dipoles1.4 Populations of Energy Levels for Magnetic Moments in a Magnetic Field in Thermal Equilibrium; 1.4.1 Magnetization of the Paramagnetic Materials, Magnetic Susceptibility; 1.4.2 Curie's Law; 1.5 Magnetic Resonance Conditions; 1.5.1 Probability of Transitions Between Levels for EPR (NMR); 1.5.2 Step-up and Step-down Spin Operators; 1.5.3 Selection Rules; 1.5.4 Changing the Populations of Spin Levels by Resonant Microwave Field and Spin Relaxation; Absorption (Emission) of Electro-magnetic Energy in EPR (NMR) Experiments; 1.6 Bloch Equations

1.6.1 Classical Behavior of the Magnetic Moment in a Magnetic Field1.6.2 Bloch Equations. Two Spin Relaxation Times Introduced for Longitudinal (T1) and Transverse (T2) Spin Relaxation; 1.7 Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic Field; 1.7.1 Hyperfine Interaction in the Ground State of a Hydrogen Atom; 1.7.2 Hamiltonian and Energy Levels for the Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic Field (Breit-Rabi Formula); Selection Rules; 1.7.3 Uncoupled and Coupled Bases for Angular Momenta; 1.7.4 Energy Levels for the Deuterium Atom and Atoms and Ions with One Unpaired s-Electron in the Ground-State (2S1/2 State)

1.7.5 Hydrogen Atoms in Excited States. Spin-Orbit Interaction1.8 EPR in Condensed Matter; 1.8.1 Atoms and Ions in the S-state (L = 0) in the Crystal Field; 1.8.2 Transition Elements in Condensed Matter. Crystal Field Approach; Classification of Crystal Fields; 1.9 The Case of Intermediate Crystal Field; 1.9.1 Ground-State Terms for Transition Elements with Unpaired d-Electrons; 1.9.2 Quenching of the Orbital Angular Momentum in the Orbitally Nondegenerate Singlet State; 1.9.3 The Spin Hamiltonian; 1.9.4 Application to an Orbital Triplet in the Ground State; 1.10 Anisotropic g-Factor

1.11 Fine Structure1.11.1 Contribution of Dipole-Dipole Interaction Between Two Electron Spins to the Fine Structure; 1.11.2 Energy Levels in Magnetic Field of Systems with Half-Integer and Integer Spins. Kramers Doublets; 1.12 Anisotropic Hyperfine Interaction; 1.13 Case of a Weak Crystal Field or the Rare-Earth Arrangement; 1.13.1 Terms and Subterms of the Ground States of Rare-Earth Elements with Unpaired f-Electrons; 1.13.2 Energy Levels and Wave Functions for the Ground State of Rare-Earth Ions in a Magnetic Field; References; 2 Fundamentals of EPR Related Methods

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