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Introduction; Technology, a Tool for Teaching and Learning Mathematics; Teaching Mathematics; Learning Mathematics; Communication and Information; Communication Inside and Outside the Classroom; Informationś Tools, to Inform Oneself and to Inform Others; Technology and Teachers ́Professional Development; References; Part I: Technology, a Tool for Teaching and Learning Mathematics: A. Teaching; Early Child Spatial Development: A Teaching Experiment with Programmable Robots; Introduction; The Development of Spatial Thinking in Early Years; The Teaching Experiment: Methodology

The Teaching Experiment: AnalysisConclusion; References; Mediation of Technological Resources in Lessons on Polyhedra: Analysis of Two Teaching Actions; Introduction; The Research; The Research Subject; Mediation of Technological Resources: The Episodes; Pieraś Mediation to Explore Prisms; Anaś Mediation to Explore Prisms; Conclusion; References; Task Design in a Paper and Pencil and Technological Environment to Promote Inclusive Learning: An Example with Polygonal Numbers; Introduction; Exercise, Problem or Problem Situation

Method of Teaching ACODESA (Collaborative Learning, Scientific-Debate, Self-Reflection)Task Design; Conclusion; References; ICT and Liminal Performative Space for Hyperbolic Geometryś Teaching; Introduction; Teaching Hyperbolic Geometry Through ICT; ``Drama in Education ́́and Liminal Space; The Research: Participants, Setting and Methods; The Teaching Experiment; Results; The Learning of Mathematical Notions; Mathematics as a Creation Under Constant Negotiation; The Role of ICT and Drama in Education in the Project; Concluding Remarks; References

Improving the Teaching of Mathematics with the Use of Technology: A CommentaryIntroduction; Comments on Chapter ``Early Child Spatial Development: A Teaching Experiment with Programmable Robots;́́ Comments on Chapter ``Mediation of Technological Resources in Lessons on Polyhedra: Analysis of Two Teaching Actions;́́ Comments on Chapter ``Task Design in a Paper and Pencil and Technological Environment to Promote Inclusive Learning: An Exampl...; Comments on Chapter ``ICT and Liminal Performative Space for Hyperbolic Geometryś Teaching;́́ Conclusion; References

Part II: Technology, a Tool for Teaching and Learning Mathematics: B. LearningDomains of Manipulation in Touchscreen Devices and Some Didactic, Cognitive, and Epistemological Implications for Improving Geometric Thinking; Introduction; Interaction, Motion and Geometric Learning with DGEwT; Interaction on Touchscreen Devices; Ways of Manipulation on Screen; Performing Rotation on Touchscreen Devices; Teaching Experiments with DGEwT; TE 1: High School Students Dealing with GeoGebraTouch; TE 2: High School Students Working with the Geometric Constructer

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