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Reading Lena Dunham's Girls; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; 1 Why Girls? Why Now?; Organisation of the Volume; Part I: (Post)feminisms; Part II: Performing and Representing Millennial Identities; Part III: Sex, Sexuality, and Bodies; References; Part I Postfeminism(s); 2 'I Have Work ... I Am Busy ... Trying to Become Who I Am': Neoliberal Girls and Recessionary Postfeminism; The Neoliberal Ladder and Generation Me; Self-branding and the Gendering of Authenticity; Notes; References; 3 Hating Hannah: Or Learning to Love (Post)Feminist Entitlement; Girls and Contemporary Feminism

Hannah's BodyHating Hannah; (Post)Feminist Entitlement in an Era of Scarce Resources; The End of Friendship and the Beginning of Self-Love?; Dunham as Artist in the Popular Setting; Note; References; 4 Genres of Impasse: Postfeminism as a Relation of Cruel Optimism in Girls; Emerging Genres: Negotiating Postfeminism; The Rom-Com Run; Postfeminist Impasse; Inconvenient Conventions; References; 5 From Sex and the City to Girls: Paving the Way for 'Post? Feminism'; 20-Something Girls vs 30-Something Women; Theorising Postfeminism; Sexuality; Reproductive 'Choices'

Feminine Embodiment and Bodily ManagementTowards Post? Feminism?; References; 6 Bad Sex and the City? Feminist (Re)Awakenings in HBO's Girls; Girls; 'Gray Areas' and Bad Nights; Yes Means Yes; Choosing (the Right) Choice; References; Part II Performing and Representing Millennial Identities; 7 'A Voice of a Generation': Girls and the Problem of Representation; The Case for Girls; The Problem with Girls; The Limits of Representational Demands; Conclusion: Signification/Significance; References; 8 HBO's Girls and Twenty-First-Century Education; Pedagogy of the Privileged

Switching Sides of the ClassroomNotes; References; 9 Reading the Boys of Girls; On Masculinities; On Representing Masculinities; Making do in the City; Homosocial Intimacies; Negotiated Masculinities; References; 10 All Adventurous Women Sing: Articulating the Feminine Through the Music of Girls; Girls as 'Women's' Television: Music, Gendered Discourse, and Luce Irigaray; Dancing on their Own: Community and Individuality in the Songs of Girls; Conclusion: Discussing Girls Through the Feminine; References

11 'Doing Her Best With What She's Got': Authorship, Irony, and Mediating Feminist Identities in Lena Dunham's GirlsGirls, Dunham, and Feminisms; 'No Such Thing as Too Much Information': Authorship and Irony; 'Doing her Best With What She's Got': Dunham's Digital Projects; Conclusion; Notes; References; Part III Sex, Sexuality, and Bodies; 12 'Art Porn Provocauteurs': Feminist Performances of Embodiment in the Work of Catherine Breillat and Lena Dunham; Provoking Porn: Screening Sex as Feminist Critique; Owning One's Abjection: Nude Performance and Embodiment

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