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Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1 Goals for Education; Introduction; International and Local Contexts for Educational Goals in Africa; Types of Educational Goals; Conclusion; References; Chapter 2 Educational Policy in Africa; Introduction; Sources of Educational Policy and Policy Making in Africa; Policy Borrowing in Africa; Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 Who Goes to School in Africa?; Introduction; Access to Education; Key Factors in Non-attendance at School; Ethnicity; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4 Human and Material Resources: Finance, Teachers and Physical Resources

IntroductionFinancial Resources; Human Resources: Teachers and Their Working Conditions; Teacher Professionalism; Physical Resources; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Teacher Education; Introduction; Curriculum of Teacher Education; The Processes of Teacher Education; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 Curriculum and Assessment; Introduction; Types of Curriculum; What Is in the Curriculum?; Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); Assessment; Conclusion; References; Chapter 7 Classroom Teaching Methods; Introduction

The Continuing Dominance of Teacher-Centred Classroom Teaching in AfricaTeacher-Centred Classrooms in Africa: Dominant but not Universal?; Hybridity in Teaching Methods; Teaching Controversial Issues; Language in the Classroom; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8 Educational Management, Decentralisation and Privatisation; Introduction; The Educational District; The School as an Organisation; School Management and the Role of the Head Teacher; Democratic School Management; Private Education; Conclusion; References; Chapter 9 Violence in Schools; Introduction; The Social Basis of Violence

Social and Economic InequalityMasculinity; Socialisation; Schools and Violence; Types and Sources of Violence in Schools; Schools and Violent Conflict; Physical Violence; Bullying; Sexual Harassment; What Might Be Done?; Conclusion; References; Chapter 10 Special Educational Needs and Inclusion; Introduction; What is Disability and Inclusion?; Educational Provision for Children with Disability; Issues and Obstacles; Barriers to Inclusion; Conclusion; References; Chapter 11 Educational Outcomes; Introduction; Educational Outcomes; Societal Outcomes; Negative Outcomes; Conclusion; References

Chapter 12 Contextual Differences in Schooling: Three Country Case StudiesIntroduction; Namibia-Democratic Education; Nigeria-National Unity and Diversity; Tanzanian-Education for Self-Reliance; Conclusion; References; Chapter 13 Conclusion: Educational Patterns in Africa; Index

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