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Foreword from World Vision Deutschland e.V.; Summary; The Focus on Justice; Equality and Reciprocity as Benchmarks in the Sense of Justice; High Level of Satisfaction with Life but with Some "Fine Differences"; Children Judge Their Own Family and Their Personal Surroundings to Be Just and Germany as Well-Though with Some Reservations; Not Only Lower-Class Children but Also Children with a Migration Background, Children from Single-Parent Families, and Children from Large Families with a Lot of Children Feel Disadvantaged; Family and Background

Diversity of Family Lifestyles and the Mothers' Wish to Have a Job Both Children and Parents Consider That Going to Work Is Compatible with Reliable Care for Children; Experiencing Poverty and Participation Risks Continues to Be an Everyday Reality for Significant Numbers of Children; Migration Background; School; Hardly Any Changes in the Relation Between Origins and Educational Position of Children; Decline in Those Wishing to Complete Their Secondary Education with "Abitur"; Markedly More Children Attend All-Day Schools

It Is Particularly Lower-Class Children Who Report Above-­­Average Well-Being When They Attend an All-Day School Continuing Need to Extend Child Participation at School; Justice, Satisfaction, and School; Leisure Time; The Use of Computer Games and Game Consoles Remains Constant; Girls as "All-Rounders," Boys as Media Consumers; Television, Computers, and Reading: Deviating Trends in Different Leisure-Time Groups; Club Memberships: As Before, Insufficient Integration of Lower-Class Children; Older Children Are on the Internet, but Access Continues to Be Determined by Social Class

Mobile Phones: Increasingly More Widespread Among Children in General, but Girls Remain in the Lead Satisfaction with Own Leisure Time Continues to Increase; Friends; Less Frequent Personal Contacts During Leisure Time, but the Size of the Circle of Friends Remains Constant; The Size of Circle of Friends Depends on the Leisure Type; School and "Outside" Continue to Be by Far the Most Frequent Locations in Which Children Meet Their Friends; Contact with Friends Over the Internet: Chat Lines Are Losing Their Popularity-In Favor of Social Networks

Being Well Regarded by One's Circle of Friends Codetermination and One's Own Opinion; Opportunities for Self-Determination in Daily Life: Still Limited for Lower-Class Children; Children with Lower Possibilities of Self-Determination in Daily Life Perceive Less Codetermination at School; Personal Opinions Are Taken Slightly More Seriously in the Family and Circle of Friends and Slightly Less Seriously at School and in Institutions; World Vision Child Study 2013; Contents; Chapter 1: How Children See Well-Being, Poverty, and Justice: The Focus of the Third World Vision Child Study

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