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Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Author; Acronyms; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Empirical Context and Argument; 1.2 Setting the Scene: The Sierra Leone Civil War and British-Led SSR Policy; 1.2.1 The Seeds of the Conflict; 1.2.2 The Civil War (1991-2002); 1.2.3 British-Led SSR Activities in Sierra Leone; 1.3 Theoretical Approach and Methodology; 1.4 The Structure of the Book; References; Part I Theoretical Foundations; Chapter 2 Policy Networks and Research Utilisation in Policy; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Policy Networks

2.2.1 The Dialectic Approach to Policy Networks2.3 The Role of Epistemic Communities in the Policy Process; 2.4 Theories and Paradigms of Research Utilisation; 2.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 (Re)building Fragile, Conflict-Affected States: A Three-Phase Evolution in Policy and Research; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Cold War Approaches: From the Marshall Plan to the Washington Consensus; 3.3 Post-Cold War Evolution; 3.3.1 Phase 1: Early Reflection (1990-2001); 3.3.2 Phase 2: Post-Shock Recovery (2001-2004); 3.3.3 Phase 3: Proactive Engagement (2005-2013)

3.4 Main Trends in British State Building Policy Network3.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 4 Security Sector Reform and Research: An International Policy Network; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 SSR: The 'Armed Wing' of State Building; 4.3 The Use of Research in State Building and SSR: A Policy Network Model; 4.4 Conclusion; References; Part II Linking Theory to Practice; Chapter 5 The Influence of Research on British-Led SSR Policy in Sierra Leone: Conflict Period, 1996-2002; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Context and Stability Situation; 5.3 The Policy and Research Evolution

5.3.1 The Policy Evolution in the UK5.3.2 The Research Evolution in the UK; 5.3.3 The Policy Evolution in Sierra Leone; 5.4 The Role of Knowledge in British-Led SSR Policy in Sierra Leone; 5.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 The Influence of Research on British-Led SSR Policy in Sierra Leone: Post-conflict Period, 2002-2013; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Context and Stability Situation; 6.3 The Policy and Research Evolution; 6.3.1 The Policy Evolution in the UK; 6.3.2 The Research Evolution in the UK; 6.3.3 The Policy Evolution in Sierra Leone

6.4 The Role of Knowledge in British-Led SSR Policy in Sierra Leone6.5 Conclusion; References; Part III Synthesis; Chapter 7 Research Influence on Policy: When, Why, and How?; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 When Research Influences Policy: A Typology; 7.3 Why Research Influences Policy: The Role of Policy Networks and the Ingredients of High Impact; 7.4 How Research Influences Policy: The Different Use of Research in Policy; 7.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations; 8.1 Introduction

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