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Table of Contents
A brief history of Regeneration
The origin of cells in Regeneration
Cell dedifferentiation
Cell transdifferentiation
Cell reprogramming
Dedifferentiation vs Transdifferentiation vs Reprogramming
The extent of cell dedifferentiation
Maintenance of cell differentiated identity
Unstable differentiated state
Epidermal cell dedifferentiation and skin regeneration
Peripheral nerve regeneration and Schwann cell dedifferentiation
Central nervous system and dedifferentiation
Dedifferentiation and Heart
Dedifferentiation and Kidney
Dedifferentiation and other 4 systems
The relationship between cell dedifferentiation and development of cancer and several diseases.
The origin of cells in Regeneration
Cell dedifferentiation
Cell transdifferentiation
Cell reprogramming
Dedifferentiation vs Transdifferentiation vs Reprogramming
The extent of cell dedifferentiation
Maintenance of cell differentiated identity
Unstable differentiated state
Epidermal cell dedifferentiation and skin regeneration
Peripheral nerve regeneration and Schwann cell dedifferentiation
Central nervous system and dedifferentiation
Dedifferentiation and Heart
Dedifferentiation and Kidney
Dedifferentiation and other 4 systems
The relationship between cell dedifferentiation and development of cancer and several diseases.