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"Unlivable conditions": health and housing
"Where the rats come out": slumlord neglect
"Silent killers": mold and asthma in public housing
"Where are we going to wind up?": the trauma of foreclosure
"As if they're passing away": gentrification
"We have a petition": speaking out and taking action
"They put us down when we already down": police and juvenile justice
"He starts grabbing me": student perspectives on policing in and out of schools
"It's a memorable moment": stop-and-frisk policing of students in the community
"All my youth was locked up in prison": juvenile incarceration and the war on drugs
"He never got to meet me": growing up with incarcerated parents
"Their wrists are too small, so you have to handcuff them up by their biceps": zero-tolerance policing in school
"I was 15. came home at 25.": juvenile detention in Rikers
"On the side of the kids": restorative justice and student action
"The legal right to be somebody": immigration
"Fearful of any institution": challenges facing emergent bilinguals
"In the desert, the mountains, the cold-with only water": border crossing stories
"I was doing really bad": a downward educational spiral
"She's barely home": labor exploitation and parent school participation
"Not having a dad": deportation and forced single-parent homes
"He never went to school": a climate of fear
"I was empowering my people": student immigrant rights
"People are strong when they stand together": gender and identity
"I never went back": bullying and anti-LGBTQ violence
"Get the hell out!": family rejection and LGBTQ homelessness
"The place for me!": inclusive school cultures and legal silencing
"I never talked with anybody about this": sexual harassment
"Being the sexy girl": body image and self-objectification
"I look fat": body image and eating disorders
"Save a kid's education": girls support groups and gay-straight alliances
"Some place to call home": foster care and child welfare
"They stole 10 years from me": the trauma of family separation
"The system failed me": the disproportionate academic impact of foster care
"Welfare queens": the criminalization of poor black mothers
"She could not take care of herself": parental substance abuse "
"Not me, not mine": aging out and youth advocacy
Conclusion "I've got your back": moving from trauma and resilience toward
Student activism
"Sites of possibility"
"A knock on the door": a sign of the times
"Where we want to be": participatory action research
At the screening: parting thoughts
About the author.

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