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Micro-spatial histories of labour: towards a new global history / Christian G. De Vito and Anne Gerritsen
Moving hands: types and scales of labour mobility in the late medieval eastern Mediterranean (1200-1500 CE) / Ekaterini Mitsiou and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
Catholic missions and native subaltern workers: connected micro-histories of labour from India and Brazil, ca. 1545-1560 / Giuseppe Marcocci
Prisoners of war, captives or slaves? The Christian prisoners of Tunis and La Goleta in 1574 / Cecilia Tarruell
Making the place work: managing labour in early modern China / Anne Gerritsen
Woollen manufacturing in the early modern Mediterranean (1550-1630): changing labour relations in a commodity chain / Andrea Caracausi
Connected singularities: convict labour in late colonial Spanish America (1760s-1800) / Christian G. De Vito
Keeping in touch: migrant workers' trans-local ties in early modern Italy / Eleonora Canepari
Spatiality and the mobility of labour in pre-unification Italy (eighteenth and nineteenth centuries) / Laura Di Fiore and Nicoletta Rolla
Oil and labour: the pivotal position of Persian oil in the First World War and the question of transnational labour dependency / Touraj Atabaki
'On the unwary and the weak': fighting peonage in wartime United States: connections, categories, scales / Nicola Pizzolato
From traces to carpets: unravelling labour practices in the mines of Sierra Leone / Lorenzo D'Angelo.

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