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Intro; Dedication; Preface; Overview; Organization and Features; Audience; Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Background; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Digital Computers; 1.3 Hardware and Software; 1.4 Innovations in Computing; Chapter 2: ABC Computer; Chapter 3: Ada Programming Language; 3.1 The Ada Language; Chapter 4: Agile Methodology; Chapter 5: Amdahl 470 and 580 Computers; Chapter 6: Analytic and Difference Engines; 6.1 Difference Engine; 6.2 Analytic Engine; 6.2.1 Applications of Analytic Engine; Chapter 7: Apple II and Macintosh Computers

Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence and Applications8.1 The Turing Test; 8.2 Searle's Chinese Room; 8.3 Machine Translation; 8.4 Driverless Cars; Chapter 9: Atari Video Games; 9.1 Atari Computers; Chapter 10: Automated Teller Machine; Chapter 11: AXE System; Chapter 12: Binary Number System; 12.1 Applications: Computer Representation of Sets; Chapter 13: Boolean Algebra and Digital Computing; 13.1 Switching Circuits and Boolean Algebra; Chapter 14: C and C++ Programming Languages; 14.1 C Programming Language; 14.2 C++ Programming Language; Chapter 15: Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems

15.1 Software as a Service15.2 Service-Oriented Architecture; 15.3 Distributed Systems; Chapter 16: CMMI and Software Process Improvement; 16.1 Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI); Chapter 17: Colossus and Code Breaking at Bletchley Park; 17.1 Vernam Cipher; Chapter 18: Commodore PET and 64 Computers; 18.1 Commodore PET; 18.2 Commodore 64; 18.3 The Demise of Commodore; Chapter 19: COBOL and Compilers; 19.1 COBOL Programming Language; 19.2 Compilers; Chapter 20: Databases; 20.1 Hierarchical and Network Models; 20.2 The Relational Model; 20.3 Oracle Database

Chapter 21: DEC PDP-11 and VAX 11/780 Minicomputers21.1 PDP-11 Minicomputer; 21.2 The VAX 11/780 Minicomputer; Chapter 22: Digital Photography; 22.1 Digital Cameras; Chapter 23: EDVAC and ENIAC Computers; 23.1 EDVAC Computer; 23.2 Controversy ABC and ENIAC; Chapter 24: Eliza Program; 24.1 Eliza; 24.2 Eliza and the Ethics of AI; Chapter 25: Email Communication; 25.1 Invention of Email; 25.2 Gmail; Chapter 26: E-Commerce; 26.1 Formation of Dot Com Companies; 26.1.1 Dot Com Failures; 26.1.2 Bubble and Burst; Chapter 27: Formal Methods; Chapter 28: GPS; 28.1 Basic Principles of GPS

28.2 Applications of GPSChapter 29: Graphical User Interface and Human-Computer Interaction; Chapter 30: Harvard Mark 1 Computer; Chapter 31: Hollerith's Tabulating Machines and the Birth of IBM; Chapter 32: Integrated Circuit; 32.1 Moore's Law; 32.2 Early Integrated Circuit Computers; Chapter 33: Internet; 33.1 Birth of the Internet; 33.2 Internet of Things; 33.3 Internet of Money and Bitcoin; Chapter 34: Iridium System; Chapter 35: Java Programming Language; 35.1 Java Virtual Machine; Chapter 36: LEO Computers; 36.1 LEO I Computer; 36.2 LEO II and LEO III Computers

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