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The voices of trans students, staff, and faculty / Lisa N. Johnston and Caden J. Campbell
Transcending gender in Southern Women's colleges / Annabelle Talia Bruno
Transitional matriculation: losing (and finding) yourself in higher education / Alandis Johnson
Read between the lines: teaching and learning while nonbinary trans / S. Simmons
I am because we are: holding a mirror as a trans educator / C. Ray Borck
Do you get to choose how big your penis will be? : transitioning as faculty / Kei Graves
Typing my way out of the cisheteronormative closet at a community college / Jackson Wright Shultz
On being (in)visible in the academy: a trans scholar's narrative
Research on trans people and trans inclusion on college campuses / Kasey Ashton
How I see me, how you see me: trans college students navigating gender outside the binary / Tre Wentling
Trans college students' experiences: institutional discrimination and empowered responses / Abbie E. Goldberg
Higher educational experiences of transgender binary and nonbinary graduate students / Genny Beemyn
Get over the binary: the experiences of nonbinary trans college students / Shannon Weber
(In)visibility and protest: trans men, trans women, and nonbinary students at New England Women's Colleges / James M. Devita and Katrin A. Wesner
An examination of trans college students' sexual health / Erich N. Pitcher
Microfoundations of trans academics' experiences: a sense of paranoia and hypersensitivity / Kristie L. Seelman
From my absolute worst nightmare to "I couldn't ask for anything more": transgender individuals' interactions with college administrators, professors, and others with institutional power / Matthew Antonio Bosch and Dana Pursley
Rising like a phoenix: one institution's journey through trans and LGBTQIA inclusion
A guide to trans terminology.

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