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Community Education and Neoliberalism; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction: Community Education in Neoliberal Times; What Is Community Education?; Assessing the Neoliberal Turn; Neoliberalism's Failed Agenda; Ireland's Neoliberal State; The Neoliberalisation of Community Education; Co-option Through Social Partnership; Neoliberalism in Crisis; Ireland's Austerity Agenda; Whose Recovery?; Neoliberal Resistance and Pockets of Difference; Community Sector Resistance; About the Book; Consistency of Language Amidst Community Education Restructuring.

Signposting ChaptersPart I
What Is Community Education?; Part II
The Neoliberalisation of Community Education; Notes; Part I Community Education, Philosophies and Practices; 2 Models of Community Education; The Dubious Nature of Community; About Education; Involving Practitioner Voices; Research Methodology; What Is Community Education?; The Role of the Community Educator; Models of Community Education; Universal Approaches to Community Education; Community Education as a Second Chance; Radical Community Education; Identifying Models of Practice; Practitioner Discussions on Disadvantage.

ConclusionNotes; 3 Community Education in Ireland; Sketching a History of Adult and Community Education; Daytime and Evening Provision Through VECs and the Literacy Movement; Women's Community Education; The Spread of Ideas Through Training for Transformation; The Wider Community Development/Anti-poverty Movement; The Involvement of the Academy; Research Findings on Contemporary Community Education; Network Connections Amongst Practitioners; Shared Examples of Practice; Conclusion; Notes; 4 Critical Education and Community Education; Theories of Learning.

Why Do We Need Philosophies of Education?The Benefits and Pitfalls of Humanistic Community Education; Theoretical Foundations of Critical Education; The Influence of Paulo Freire; Towards a Feminist Pedagogy; Uncovering Philosophical Perspectives in Contemporary Practice; Examples of Humanism; Examples of Radical/Critical Philosophies; Examples of Anti-intellectualism; Doing Critical Community Education; Using Codes; Conclusion; Notes; Part II The Neoliberalisation of Community Education; Introduction; 5 Community Education and Employability; What Is Social Policy?

The European Lifelong Learning AgendaIreland's Policy Reaction and the Implications for Community Education; Community Sector Policy Developments; Neoliberalism Takes Hold; The Emergence of SOLAS; Community Education and Conditionaliy of Welfare; The Co-option of the Community Sector; Changes in Local Government; Enter the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme; Practitioner Perspectives on Change; Community Sector Co-option; Strategising Relationships with Policymakers; Conclusion; Notes; 6 Community Education and Accreditation; The Origins of Accreditation.

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