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Chapter 1. Introduction: The potential of gender training in the translation classroom; Marcella De Marco and Piero Toto.- Chapter 2. Turning translation training into life training; Francesca Vigo.- Chapter 3. Parameters, Thresholds and Liminal Spaces: Designing a Course on Sex, Gender and Translation; Pauline Henry-Tierney.- Chapter 4. Social action and critical consciousness in the socialisation of translators-to-be: a classroom experience; Robert Martínez-Carrasco.- Chapter 5. Teaching Gender Issues in Advertising Translation: the Case of University Marketing; Antonia Montés.- Chapter 6. Queerying (im)possibilities in the British academic translation classroom; Michela Baldo.- Chapter 7. Gayspeak in the translation classroom; Irene Ranzato.- Chapter 8. Indirect sexism in John Grisham's 'Sycamore Row' (2013): Unveiling sexual inequality through a gender-committed pedagogy in the translation classroom; José Santaemilia.- Chapter 9. Ideological transfer in the translation activity: power and gender in Emma Donoghue's 'Kissing the Witch'; Maria Amor Barros-del Rio and Elena Alcalde Penalver.- Chapter 10. Integrating Gender Perspective in Interpreter Training: A Fundamental Requirement in Contexts of Gender Violence; Carmen Toledano Buendía.- Chapter 11. The Future of Academia, Gender and Queer Pedagogy: Concluding Remarks; Marcella De Marco and Piero Toto.

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