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Chapter 1. The Importance of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918; Stephen McKinney and Raymond McCluskey
Chapter 2. 'No sound Protestant would dream of sending his child to a Roman Catholic School'
the distinctiveness of Catholic schooling in the West of Scotland before the 1918 Education Act; Geraldine Vaughan
Chapter 3. Women Religious and the Development of Scottish Education; S. Karley Kehoe
Chapter 4. The role of male religious orders in education in Scotland in the decades leading up to the Education (Scotland) 1918 Act; Tom O'Donoghue
Chapter 5. The Role of Lay Women Teachers in Catholic Education before the 1918 Education Act; Jane McDermid
Chapter 6. Catholic Education beyond the school: sodalities and public lectures; Raymond McCluskey
Chapter 7. The Presbyterian Campaign against the 1918 Education (Scotland) Act 1923-1930; Stephen J. McKinney
Chapter 8. The 1918 Act Revisited
Focus on the 1918 Act and the Legal Implications; Mary McHugh.

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