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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: True or False: The Problem Here is Identifying What is True and What is Not
Chapter 3: Proliferation: Doomsday or Politics? The Problem Here is Controlling Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Chapter 4: The Bounds of Humanity: Will Malthus Ultimately Be Proven Correct? The Problem Here is that We Don't Know How to Limit Population Growth or if New Policies are Really Necessary. Can We Leave it to Chance?
Chapter 5: The Beginning and Hereafter: Why do We Exist?
Chapter 6: Immortality: Where Does the Need to be Remember
Chapter 7: Religion: The Problem Here is that in Religion, as well as Other Institutions, We See Corruption, Immorality, Ethical Lapses, and Abuses. In its Entwinement with Government: Who Makes and Enforces Laws, Sets Education Standards, and Provides Security: the People, the King, or God?
Chapter 8: Decision Making: The Talent for Decisions. The Problem Here is that Most Decisions Turn out Badly
Chapter 9: Dealing with Bio-terrorism: The Problem Here is that Terrorism can Adopt Biological Weapons as an Attack Mode: Harder to Detect, More Dangerous in its Outcome
Chapter 10: Our Computer Overlords: The Problems Here are the Contest Between Work and Leisure, How Much of Each, Who has Either and the Chances for AI Becoming our Masters
Chapter 11: What Constitutes Progress? The Problem Here is Defining What Constitutes Progress and MEans for Attaining it Since Science, Technology, Politics, and Markets do not Necessarily Follow Paths tha tLead to Solutions of Pressing Problems or Attainment of Goals
Chapter 12: Political Chaos: The Problem Here is What Politics Has Become. Civility is Almost Gone, Debate is Almost Non-existent, yet the Sides are Firm in Their Positions and Sure They are Right
Chapter 13: The Perfect Human: Unlocking the Mysteries of Human Genetics and Developing the Technologies to Manipulate Heredity Will Give, for Better or Worse, a New Dimension to Our Ability to Set the Fate of Our Children
Chapter 14: Conclusions
Appendix A Methodologies
Appendix B Authors' Biographies

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