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Mainstream as metaphor : imagining dominant culture / Alison Huber
Teenybop and the extraordinary particularities of mainstream practice / Sarah Baker
Mainstream mythology : the industrial organization of The Archies / Matt Stahl
Lesbian musicalities, queer strains and celesbian pop : the poetics and polemics of women-loving women in mainstream popular music / Jodie Taylor
The positioning of the mainstream in punk / Erik Hannerz
Kill the static : temporality and change in the hip-hop mainstream (and its "other") / Murray Forman
The contradictions of the mainstream : Australian views of grunge and commercial success / Catherine Strong
Elvis goes Hollywood : authenticity, resistance, commodification and the mainstream / David Baker
Walking in Memphis? : Elvis heritage between fan fantasy and built environment / Mark Duffett
"Following in mother's silent footsteps" : revisiting the construction of femininities in 1960s popular music / Sheila Whiteley
Music from abroad : the internationalization of the US mainstream music market, 1940-90 / Timothy J. Dowd
"Sounds like an official mix" : the mainstream aesthetics of mash-up production / Adrian Renzo
Chasing an aesthetic tail : latent technological imperialism in mainstream production / Dennis Crowdy
The hobbyist majority and the mainstream fringe : the pathways of independent music-making in Brisbane, Australia / Ian Rogers
Off the beaten track : vernacular and the mainstream in New Zealand tramping club singsongs / Michael Brown
Musical listening at work : mainstream musical listening practices in the office / Michael Walsh
Cheesy listening : popular music and ironic listening practices / Andy Bennett.

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